Child Care Resource and Referral and Voucher Management Board of Early Education and Care October 13, 2009 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Child Care Resource and Referral and Voucher Management Board of Early Education and Care October 13,

Child Care Resource and Referral and Voucher Management Key Components 2 Information and Resources for families about choosing early education and care and out-of-school time programs, finding parenting and other resources in their community and applying for child care financial assistance. Child Care Subsidies play a key role in EECs mission of providing the foundation to support all children in their development as lifelong learners and contributing members of the community, and supporting families in their essential work as parents and caregivers.

Voucher Management Services/Functions Provided by CCR&Rs 3 Eligibility Determinations Eligibility re-evaluation Determinations Change of Status Determinations Waitlist Management Information and Referral Recoupment Management of Provider Data Base for Slots Monitoring of Voucher Providers Billing

29,444 families, with 37,021 children, received services from their local CCR&Rs in 2008 This is for Information and Referral Services only. 4 Massachusetts CCR&R Network 2008 Data Report (Self-reported Data from CCR&R Network)

MA Data Report (cont.) Of those requesting care, the Network reports the following: Ages of Children for Care Requested 55% of care requested was for infants and toddlers 24% of care requested was for preschool age children 21% of care requested was for school-age children Type of Care Requested by all Families 44% of care requested was for centers 42% of care requested was for family child care 12% of care requested was for school-age programs

MA Data Report (cont.) The Network reports a 27% increase in I & R services from and a 13% increase in voucher children served from Note: Between FY06-FY08, EEC saw a 16% increase in voucher children.

Caseload varies greatly across CCR&Rs: Individual Voucher: Smallest: 1,065 Largest:12,143 Average: 4,503 Authorization (including initial determinations, re- evaluations and change of status authorizations) caseloads: Smallest: 1,289 Largest:12,867 Average: 4,530 Licensed or Licensed Exempt Sites which accept vouchers in catchment area: Smallest: 2,064 Largest:19,877 Average: 7,000 7 Current Voucher Management in Massachusetts (FY09)

Information and Referral by Telephone 8 EEC supports information referral through a number that allows families to access the local Resource and Referral Centers by phone. The contract expires June Summary of number usage in FY09 22,292 callers in total accessed the information service. 4,114 callers entered their zip codes to request additional information Less than 590 callers were transferred to the CCRR for additional services. Note: There was not widespread internet access in the last procurement in ,959 were in English /155 were in Spanish

Voucher Management in Massachusetts (cont.) FY2010, CCR&Rs expect to receive approximately $9,000,000 for the provision of voucher management services The amount of funding each CCR&R receives is based on an allocation formula from the current procurement of voucher management services, which was conducted in

12 CCR&Rs hold 14 contracts for voucher management throughout the state two agencies hold contracts in more than one region 1 additional CCR&R receives funding for information and referral services, but does not manage vouchers in their region 10 Voucher Management in Massachusetts (cont.)

FY10 Voucher Management Financial Allocations 11 FY10 Voucher Management Staffing Patterns Smallest: 5.76 FTE (Full Time Equivalency) Largest:33.59 FTE (Full Time Equivalency) Average: 13 FTE (Full Time Equivalency)

Values The Department of Early Education and Care (EEC)s Mission, Vision and Strategic Plan are built on the recognition that families are essential partners in our work. The foundation for managing vouchers should be a strengths-based approach that recognizes families as their childs first teacher and acknowledges them as experts on their own child. 12

Value: Strengths-Based Approach Principles: a partnership approach to service provision a family-centered, family-driven agenda an individualized response to family needs and capacities a broad-based, comprehensive view of family development an assessment of outcomes based on family functioning and the quality of life of family members 13

Values/Program Parameters The following Values and Design Recommendations reflect findings from a growing body of research, including: Gina Adams and the team at the Urban Institute Valora Washington Standards from the NACCRA quality assurance process Previous work by Gail DeRiggi 14

Value: Support all families in accessing information, referral and quality child and out of school time care. Ensure appropriate customer service policies are in place to ensure high quality consumer education and referral services Ensure staff possess appropriate skills and knowledge to perform their job duties Ensure agency has a plan for continuous quality assessment and improvement, including a yearly satisfaction survey Identify each familys needs for early care and education and out of school time and make appropriate referrals 15

Value: Support families who may qualify for financial assistance Simplify policies regarding the application and determination process for vouchers Address the unique needs of working parents by ensuring the least amount of disruption to work possible Support families through life changes when possible 16 Value: Increase parent choice and flexibility to address the needs of their children and the entire family Provide parents assistance in finding quality programs that accept vouchers and that meet the needs of each individual family

Value: Improve the quality of care for Children in Massachusetts Through parameters and quality benchmarks for programs that provide voucher care Ensure effective policies regarding inclusion for programs accepting vouchers Ensure programs accepting vouchers are healthy business models 17

Design: Decisions to be Made Consider a centralized call center and centralized waitlist to manage phone based information and referral services to ensure access to specialized information, including such services as translation, children with special needs and disabilities, etc. Review the funding formula elements for allocation formula Determine the number of entities to deliver quality services effectively and provide access for families. MA Executive Office of Health & Human Six Services Regions 18

Design: Decisions to be Made (cont.) Select a state network model for managing resource and referral services and/or voucher management in Massachusetts Types of Statewide Child Care Resource and Referral Networks Coordinating Networks Managing Networks Single Statewide Entities Voluntary State Networks 19

Coordinating Networks Develop local CCR&R best practices and standards Provide training and support for partner CCR&R staff Offer statewide child care consumer education and referrals for families Collect, analyze, and report data from local CCR&Rs and other sources Build child care supply and quality Manage special project grants 20

Managing Networks offer the same services as Coordinating Networks, and: Manage and distribute CCR&R funding for State Child Care Administrators Determine the range of services local CCR&Rs should provide Develop and carry out contracts Track CCR&Rs' performance through evaluation and quality assurance activities 21

Single Statewide Entities Usually serve states with small geographic areas or populations Provide CCR&R services to entire state through one or two agencies May have multiple satellite offices located across the state Function somewhat like Managing State Network for satellite offices and for data collection and reporting purposes 22

Voluntary State Networks Generally receive no state funding to support their work Depend on local CCR&R directors and staff to volunteer time to coordinate and lead the state's CCR&R system Are unable to provide the same level of service as funded State Networks Massachusetts has a Voluntary State Network 23

Feedback from Advisory and Boards Program and Policy Committee 24 EEC should conduct Focus Groups participation to gain input. What has worked / not worked in the past? Will parents be involved in the discussion? Examine the amount of administration and set a reasonable limit. Which administration model provides the highest quality for the funding? Balance expectations with funding. What is the best practice in a State Network (gold standard)? Should EEC forego a network and do the work in-house or with other local partners? The voucher management system must be more efficient in the future. EEC must remember the intent of the services is to support children and families, not keep agencies in business.

Next Steps 25 EEC will conduct 6 focus groups statewide with partners in the field: 3 focus groups of parents of children who have vouchers; and 3 focus groups of educators/programs who accept vouchers.