Why Smart Cities ?
What does a local Government do ?
S MART C ITY I NITIATIVE Initiative of present Commissioner Ten Goals identified Specific targets for each goal Roadmap to achieve each goal Senior officer for each goal
C ATTLE FREE CITY Problem in pervasive Identify the issues
I NITIATIVES Communication with Stake holders Set out the legal process Creating capacities to enforce Enforcement Issues after impounding
A DEQUATE WATER Focus on supply side Demand side ignored Lack of holistic approach
R ECENT INITIATIVES Legalizing illegal connections Monitor demand side by SCADA Improve existing infrastructure Focus on grievances Co-ordinate with all government agencies like PGVCL, Police etc
C LEAN CITY Any expanation ? Who is responsible ?
R ECENT INITIATIVES 100% door to door collector through tippers “Process Improvement” in cleaning and transport Drive to reduce plastic use in public places Creating infrastructure to collect and lift garbage Penalties for creating nuisance Smart Society initiative
H EALTH Specific road map Special initiatives – NABH Accreditation, CMTC Tangible results
O PEN D EFICATION Mindset issue Sanitation issue Law and order issue
R ECENT INTIATIVES Individual Toilets Community Toilets Free Pay and Use Toilets Pay and Use Toilets Mobile Toilets ICE to make people use the facility
I LLITERACY Rationale Plethora of schemes Target Group approach
P OLLUTION FREE CITY Rationale Non conventional energy Effluent treatment Green city initiative Use of energy efficient devices
T RAFFIC NMT Bicycle tracks Bicycle sharing Improving mass transport Rationalizing routes Use of technology Regulating parking spaces Pay and Park One day one road Hawkers zone
M ALNUTRITION Rationale Anganwadi concept – adoption Peoples participation CMTC Central Kitchen
S LUM FREE CITY Housing schemes
Outcome ?
S TRATEGIES USED Define your targets Plan well Connect with the customer ( stakeholder )
CHALLENGES IN URBAN MGT Rapid Urbanization Vast service avenues Increased expectations Competition for resources Increased accountability Multidisciplinary / diverse talent pool 360 degree feedback from stake holders Dynamic fields
L IMITATION WITH EXISTING HR STRUCTURE Average age above 50 Mind Set Issue : Authority to Service Mind Set Issue : Change, Act fast Use of technology Timing of delivery Unlearn, Learn, Relearn
A VENUES OF PLACEMENT Varies skills needed Communication Inside Outside Technology Innovation CHANGE AGENTS
W HAT DEFICIENCY “I” FIND IN NEW RECRUITS INTERVIEW Clarity about subject Vague answers Honesty about self ON THE JOB Lack of initiative Appetite for Learning Confused with Work Hard v/s Work SMART
W ARD O FFICER CONCEPT 19 Young officers selected through open transparent process Given responsibility of a ward Empowered with financial and administrative powers Responsible for planning and execution of projects at ward level
BENEFITS Inter functional co-ordination becomes easy Planning at ward level Communicating with citizens Feed back from citizens Efficiency in service delivery
F UTURE ROLES Multidisciplinary Skills Sound Legal Background Sensitivity Lean and mean structure More responsive 24x7x365