LENIN GENERAL KOLCHAK REDS WHITES Aims1010 Total Bolshevik control of all Russian territory Leadership1010 Confident and disciplined. With Trotsky they devised a plan to pick off the White Armies one by one. Geographical position 5 Took over factories of Moscow and Petrograd, controlled the two key cities. Controlled communication and transport lines and troops could move quickly by rail. Peasant support 3 Forced peasants to hand over grain and other food to feed Red troops and people in the cities. Known as War Communism. Unity9 Lenin kept population under control through making lots of arrests and executions. Known as the Red Terror. Foreign support 0 The Allies hated the Bolsheviks for taking Russia out of the war and signing a separate peace treaty with Germany. Aims:5 Restore the Royal family to position as Monarch of Russia, throw out the Bolsheviks. Leadership:4 It was difficult to communicate with other White Generals leading other armies, because Whites were so spread out. Geographical position: 5 marched on Moscow from the South. Captured a place called Ufa. Peasant support 0 Peasants thought the Whites would make them give up their land and allow the landlords to return Unity3 There was lots of squabbling between Tsarists and Socialist Revolutionaries who wanted different things. They didn’t want the Tsar back, just a change of government. Foreign support: 7 Troops sent from Britain, France and America to help the Whites defeat the Reds.
WHITESREDS GENERAL YUDENICH Aims: 10 To make sure the Bolsheviks stay in power, get rid of any opposition. Leadershi p: 10 Trotsky ruled over his officers with an iron fist, he would shoot those who dared to question him. Geographical position: 5 In central western Russia they could move quickly to attack, using the railways Peasant support 3 The Reds seized grain form peasants to feed themselves. ‘War Communism’. Unity 9 Trotsky wanted to use these officers to lead the Red Army. He would often kidnap their families to make sure they did a good job. Foreign support: 0 No support. The Allies wanted to overthrow the Bolsheviks. Aims:5restore the Royal family to position as Monarch of Russia, throw out the Bolsheviks. Leadership:4It was difficult to communicate with other White Generals leading other armies, because Whites were so spread out. Geographical position: 6In western Russia. surrounded Petrograd in 1919, but did not succeed in invading. The Reds pushed Yudenich back Peasant support 0Peasants thought the Whites would make them give up their land and allow the landlords to return Unity3His commanders were cruel and set a bad example, drinking, fighting and taking drugs. Foreign support: 8Allied troops and equipment was sent to help is army. Thousands of loyal ex- Tsarist officers
REDS WHITES COMMISSAR FOR WAR TROTSKY GENERAL DENIKIN Aims:1010 Total Bolshevik control of all of Russia. Leadership:1010 Trotsky was an outstanding commander! Trotsky recruited nearly 5 million former Tsarist officers, workers, sailors and soldiers into the Red Army Geographical position: 5Occupied central Russia and controlled key cities, but were quickly surrounded by hostile White forces. Peasant support3Peasants had been given land by the Bolsheviks, but now they were seizing grain. Unity1010 Trotsky used his special train to quickly communicate with the Red Army and deliver orders. Foreign support:0The Allies wanted to stop Bolshevism from controlling Russia and spreading to other countries. Aims:5restore the Royal family to position as Monarch of Russia, throw out the Bolsheviks. Leadership:5Denikin was an excellent speaker, but treated his men with disrespect. Geographical position: 6In southern Russia. Got within 250 miles of Moscow, but did not succeed in taking control. Peasant support 0Raided lots of villages and committed POGROMS (killing Jews) Unity3The Whites did not trust each other and would not co-ordinate their attacks, so the Reds could pick off the white armies one by one. Foreign support: 7Troops sent from Britain, France and America to help the Whites defeat the Reds.They sent him weapons and equipment worth £100 million.
WHITESREDS The Allies (America, Britain, France) Aims: 10 Total Bolshevik control of all of Russia. Leadership: 10 Lenin and Trotsky employed leaders that were fanatical and loyal, including 74, 000 women Geographical position: 5 Central western Russia, in the industrial centres Peasant support 3 The Bolsheviks had given peasants their own land, but were now seizing the grain they grew by force, to feed the Red Army Unity 10 Every leader was loyal and they all shared one aim. There were even some female machine gunners Foreign support: 0 The Allies wanted to throw out Bolshevism in case it spread to the rest of Europe. Aims: 8 Stop Bolshevism spreading to Europe. Japan had its own idea to seize territory for itself. Leadership: 5 Had to work with the White Generals and tried to control the decisions they made. Geographical position: 4 Allied troops scattered all over Russia. Peasant support 0 Peasants hated the Allies as much as the Whites because they were supported by the landowners Unity 3 Allied troops were sick of fighting and many mutinied. Foreign support: 6 sent only 250,000 troops, mostly gave weapons and equipment worth £100 million. Alexandra Kollontai