United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Transport Division United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Transport Division Konstantin Glukhenkiy, Economic Affairs Officer Transport Week, Moscow 4 December 2014 UNECE road traffic safety activities
Jean-Claude Schneuwly Slide 22 UNECE - Transport Division Regulatory work To ensure widest possible geographical coverage of UN road safety international legal instruments Policy dialogue To strengthen road safety management and coordination Analytical work To assist in the identification of best practices Technical Assistance To assist countries in the ECE region and beyond to implement international transport and road traffic safety legislation UNECE’s 360 ° approach to Road Safety
Jean-Claude Schneuwly Slide 33 UNECE - Transport Division Infrastructure (standards and parameters, tunnel safety, all land modes) Vehicle Regulations Drivers’ License Dangerous Goods Statistics Road Traffic Rules Road Signs and Signals Social Rules (driving and rest hours) Border Crossing Facilitation Customs UNECE – more than 60 years of road safety work
Jean-Claude Schneuwly Slide 44 UNECE - Transport Division Main legal instruments European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries (AGR) Convention on Road Traffic, Vienna 1968 Convention on Road Signs and Signals, Vienna 1968 European Agreement Concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR) Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions for Periodical Technical Inspections of Wheeled Vehicles and the Reciprocal Recognition of Such Inspections, of 13 November 1997 European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) of 30 September 1957 Sets of best practices Consolidated Resolution on Road Traffic (R.E.1) Consolidated Resolution on Road Signs and Signals (R.E.2) Road Safety Basic UN Legislation
Jean-Claude Schneuwly Slide 55 UNECE - Transport Division 58 Conventions, 1699 Contracting Parties
Jean-Claude Schneuwly Slide 66 UNECE - Transport Division Accession to International Transport legal instruments contributing to road safety globally
Jean-Claude Schneuwly Slide 77 UNECE - Transport Division UNECE’s implementing the Decade of action for Road Safety by: Boosting Political Will and Supporting Government Strategies Protecting Road Users Making Vehicles Safer Improving Safety of Transport of Dangerous Goods Making Technologies Work for Safer Mobility Making Roads Safer Improving Cargo Safety Turning Road Safety Training, Education and Behavior into Knowledge Management Learning from Road Crashes Mitigating the Impact of Road Crashes Raising Awareness, Fundraising and Advocating for Road Safety
Jean-Claude Schneuwly Slide 88 UNECE - Transport Division General Assembly Resolution, A/RES/68/269, April 2014
Jean-Claude Schneuwly Slide 99 UNECE - Transport Division UNECE Road Safety highlights in 2014 General Assembly resolution on Improving Global Road Safety (10 April 2014) encouraged Member States to: Take a holistic and integrated approach to sustainable transport, To consider including road safety in the post-2015 development agenda; Develop national plans in line with the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety if not done so already; Enact comprehensive legislation on key risk factors for road traffic injuries. The establishment and first meetings of two new WP.1 (Working Party on Road Traffic Safety) Expert Groups: Expert Group on Improving Safety at Level Crossings – WP.1 GE.1 Expert Group on Road Signs and Signals – WP.1 GE.2
Jean-Claude Schneuwly Slide 1010 UNECE - Transport Division UNECE Road Safety highlights in 2014 On International Level Crossings Awareness Day 2014 (June 2014), ECE launched a film on "Improving Lives at Level Crossings" which was produced in partnership with the International Union of Railways and the Swiss Federal Office of Transport. Road Safety Treaty Day at UN Headquarters in New York (June 2014). The Road Signs Management System (RSMS) web platform is launched for Contracting Parties input (September 2014). Road Safety for the Safety of Life in St. Petersburg (September Safe FITS - Road Safety Module (SafeFITS). Technology innovations for safe, efficient and sustainable mobility workshop in Brussels (November 2014) Preparations for 3rd Road Safety Week (May 2015) – theme: children and road safety.
Jean-Claude Schneuwly Slide 1111 UNECE - Transport Division 11 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Thank you for your attention United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Transport Division