Have you ever thought about what your mission and life would be? Not just your profession, but your purpose in life?
Christ’s life was part of God’s plan to save all people. Apart from the time when Jesus was lost and found in the temple, we know very little about Jesus’ life as a child, teenager, and young adult – hidden life of Jesus. What we know is that – Jesus was obedient to his parents, and grew in “wisdom and knowledge.” Jesus’ public life began with his baptism by John the Baptist.
Jesus went to the desert to fast and pray – where he was tempted by the Devil to achieve his mission through fame, comfort, and political power – and not through suffering and death. After he returned from the desert, Jesus began his mission of proclaiming the Kingdom of God or the Reign of God.
Jewish culture in Jesus’ time strict morality with consequences non-Jews are seen with suspicion and not part of the Kingdom of God the Messiah is a political and military leader Jesus challenged these misinterpretations of beliefs.
Best summary of Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels “I have come not to abolish the law but to fulfill it.” Examples (Mt. 5:21-28): Your shall not kill someone who holds on to anger You shall not commit adultery someone who looks someone with lust Love your neighbor, hate your enemies love your enemies.
Jesus used parables to challenge his listeners. Parables – stories that has a surprising twist, to shock the people and to hear them in a new way. Some examples: Parable of the Prodigal Son Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus Parable of the Good Samaritan Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Call to love and forgive goes beyond the minimum requirement. You don’t have to be perfect to be part of the Kingdom, but willing to allow the Holy Spirit to help you grow in love and forgiveness.
People believed in Jesus because he actually lived the reign of God, not just simply because he was inspiring. They experienced God’s love and power in a profound way. Some ways that Jesus lived the reign of God: Jesus’ miracles Jesus welcomed everybody – rich and poor, young and old, saints and sinners Jesus reached out to the outcasts of society (ex: Woman at the well – John 4:1-42) Jesus included the poor and sinners. Jesus forgave sins.
Jesus’ miracles are grouped into four categories: Physical healings (curing people of paralysis, blindness, leprosy etc.) Exorcisms (driving out demons) Bringing the dead back to life Nature miracles (feeding of the five thousand, calming of the storm). The miracles show that Jesus had power over all creation – even demons, and that in the Kingdom of God, we are rescued from evil, suffering, pain, and death. Jesus Christ and the Reign of God are linked together. Modern society has hard time accepting miracles. But just because some people do not believe in them, it doesn’t mean they’re not real. Miracles are all around us. We just need to see it.
Jesus invited his disciples – which means students or followers – to share in his mission to proclaim the Kingdom of God. They come from a diverse group. Twelve special disciples or inner circle known as the Apostles were – B – Bartholomew A – Andrew P – Peter, Philip T – Thomas, Thaddeus I – James, James the son of Alphaeus, John, Judas Iscariot S – Simon the Zealot M -- Matthew 12 calls to mind the 12 Tribes of Israel The bishops are the successors to the apostles
Many of Jesus’ disciples followed Jesus and provided for the work of the apostles, especially women. Jesus’ relationship with his disciples teaches us several things about the Kingdom of God: It’s about your relationship with others and Jesus. Jesus wants us to be part in proclaiming the Gospel. We are partners in his mission. The Church (meaning us) – has the responsibility of continuing the mission of Jesus. It’s not perfect. It consists of sinful but saved (redeemed) people.