Welcome to Curriculum Night! th Grade Team: Ms. Kou Mrs. Hyon Ms. Letson Ms. Cho
4 th Grade Standards/Tests AKS found on website: Testing –SPGs (Pre & Post for Specials) –DAs (District Assessments – once per quarter) –Georgia Milestones
Math Place Value (Multi-Digit Numbers) Add/Subtract Whole Numbers Understand Multiplication & Division Multiply by 1 Digit Numbers Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers Divide by a 1-Digit Number Patterns & Sequences Fractions Operations with Fractions Decimals Customary/Metric Measurement Perimeter & Area
Science Water, weather, forecasting Solar system, stars, and star patterns Phases of the moon Light Sound Force, mass, motion and simple machines Gravity Ecosystems Adaptation, survival, extinction
Social Studies Map Skills Native Americans European exploration in North America Colonization American Revolution The New Nation Westward Expansion Reform movements Personal finance
Reading Genre Sequencing Plot, theme, character Making Inferences /Predictions Cause and Effect Vocabulary Listening and Speaking Skills Nonfiction features Poetry Monitoring Comprehension Summarizing & Main Idea Weekly Vocabulary Quizzes & Reading Assessments
Writing Informational Narrative Persuasive Poetry
Grading Semester System –A: 90%-100% Excellent Progress B: 80%-89% Above Average Progress C: 74%-79% Average Progress D: 70%-73% Below Average Progress U: 0%-69% Unsatisfactory Progress You can access your child's grades at any time on the Parent Portal. We strongly suggest that you check this with your child often. Parent Portal Chinese Grade counts towards Honor Roll & Principal’s Honor Roll.
Homework/Class work Math – Daily SS – Tuesdays Science – Thursdays (except this week) Reading/ELA – –Vocabulary words given on Monday, quiz the following Monday –Incomplete class work –Occasional practice sheets Homework – 0 if not turned in the next day Class work – No work, no play until it’s completed –Incomplete Take home for homework –0 if not turned in the next day
Online Resources For Parents –Teacher websites (newlifeacademyga.com) –Parent Portal (publish.gwinnett.k12.ga.us) For Students –McGraw Hill/ConnectED (math/ELA) –Edmodo
Student Handbook & Discipline Policy Newlifeacademyga.com Resources Student Handbook Eagle Eye Tickets CAP (Conduct & Preparedness) Slips –Uniforms (Effective Sept. 1 st ) Tardies & Absences – Effective Sept. 1 st –Written excuse (or ) must be submitted upon the student's return to school or the absence/tardy will be unexcused –Unexcused absences – no make up work given Tests/quizzes will always be made up Morning Work Morning Reflection – Wednesdays from 7:15-7:45
Office Hours Ms. Kou –MONDAYS 7:15-8:00 –WEDNESDAYS 3:30-4:15 Ms. Hyon –TUESDAYS 7:15-8:00 –THURSDAYS 7:15-8:00 Ms. Cho –THURSDAYS 3:30-4:15 Ms. Letson –TUESDAYS 3:30-4:00 –WEDNESDAYS 7:15-8:00 Office hours are available for students to: make up tests and quizzes, receive extra help, or ask questions about their grades. Students must make an appointment by ing their teacher.
Field Trips Dahlonega –TBA Rock Eagle –Dates: Wednesday, May 18 th - Friday, May 20 th –Cost: approximately $160 per person