- Functional Requirements - Background - Examples of expected Signal Track - An “idea” of angular resolution EUSO-BALLOON DESIGN REVIEW, , CNES TOULOUSE Andrea Santangelo IAAT, Eberhard-Karls Univerität Tübingen Performances of the EUSO- Balloon
Functional requirements R Background imaging The Instrument shall image the UV sky background in the bandwidth used by the JEM-EUSO mission observational technique. The background includes star light, airglow, light from artificial sources. Test of the trigger algorithms, switch between observational modes R Detection of EAS (from the edge of space) The Instrument shall trigger, detect and image EAS with energy above eV that might develop in the field of view. R Technology demonstrator All key components and the relative sub-assembly items should be tested according to the configuration foreseen for the JEM- EUSO mission. This is needed to test the JEM-EUSO detection chain. UPDATE: Test capability of the IR-CAM; Test of laser induced EAS. CDR – Performances of the EUSO-Balloon2
3 Nightglow background: photons/m 2 /ns/sr Sakaki, BABY, NIGHTGLOW, Tatiana increases by ~1.5 with clouds Airglow (~100 km height): photons/m 2 /ns/sr Moon phases (<25%): <100 ph/m 2 /ns/sr From Tatiana Universitetsky Satellite. and = large cities ph/m 2 /ns/sr Background measurements with coarse resolution (~200 km FoV) On the night-sky background. Performances of the EUSO-BalloonCDR –
4 Baby vs. Tatiana and the EUSO-Balloon The Baby (Balloon) Experiment had a reduced field of view with respect to Tatiana stronger contrast, fluctuations Balloon trajectory EUSO-Balloon: a)will have finer resolution at ground (~200m) b) will implement a control on background variations to keep a stable trigger rate (~7 Hz) O.Catalano et al., NIMA 480 (2002) 547 Performances of the EUSO-Balloon
Background simulation An example of background observation 250 photons / m^2 ns sr Uniform distribution Simulated at electronics level The EUSO Simulation and Anlaysis Framework has been used for the simulation Performances of the EUSO-BalloonCDR –
6 Testing switches The logic of switches of EUSO-Balloon will be tested to verify: a)Capability of protecting the detector from bright events b)Measure their light curve and intensity TLEjet Power10 4 W Duration0.4 s Radius40 km Height in atm. Troposphere WITH SWITCHES 250 pC Performances of the EUSO-Balloon
The observation principle of JEM-EUSO Simulation of the light profile observed at the entrance pupil (above) and throught the instrument using the ESAF code duration ~ 50 – 150 s Performances of the EUSO-BalloonCDR –
8 EUSO-BALLOON vs. JEM-EUSO JEM-EUSOEUSO-Balloon Height(km)42040 Diameter(m)2.51 FoV/pix(deg) FoV/PDM(deg)3.812 Signal Ratio117.6 BG Ratio S/ N E thr (eV)3x x10 18 Number of PDM1431 Maximize performance of EUSO-Balloon keeping parameters as close as possible to JEM-EUSO Performances of the EUSO-BalloonCDR –
Balloon Configuration modified „Alcala Config“, that is modified JEM-EUSO 1. ISS altitude 400 km 40 km 2. New focal surface parametrization 3. New pixel angle map 5. New optical system 6. Changed FOV: 2*30° 12*12° 7. Background estimation ~ 50% of JEM-EUSO Simulations Performances of the EUSO-BalloonCDR –
Example Shower: 1e19 eV, Theta=20° CDR – Performances of the EUSO-Balloon 10
Example Signal Track Proton 1e19 eV Theta= 20° Phi= 135° CDR – Performances of the EUSO-Balloon 11
Example Signal Track Proton 1e18 eV Theta= 30° Phi=120° Proton 1e19 eV Theta= 30° Phi=120° CDR – Performances of the EUSO-Balloon 12
13 phe/GTU Time(GTU) Xpix Ypix Xpix Proton: E = 4·10 18 eV = 57.5 = X 0 = 9.3 km Y 0 = 3.1 km phe/GTU Event landing outside the FoV Typical event observable by EUSO-Balloon: other code So called: “Saitama” code CDR –
Angular Resolution Testing mode: „Debug mode“ a priori knoweldhge of the track 14CDR – Performances of the EUSO-Balloon
15 Energy(eV) Integrated N. Events [10 18,E]eV in 10h LEFT PLOT: Trigger efficiency curve for events with impact point inside FoV. RIGHT PLOT: Black, red and blue curves give preliminary results on the performance from a 10 h duration flight for different assumptions of background and cosmic ray flux. 7 Hz/PDM Trigger efficiency (%) Energy(eV) Efficiency=1 & 1.5 x Aug. flux Efficiency=1 & Auger flux EB & A.fl. & =1.4 phe EB & 1.5xA.fl. & =1.4 phe EB & A.fl. & =2.8 phe EUSO-B. & =1.4 phe/pix/GTU EUSO-B. & =2.8 phe/pix/GTU ● 80 Hz fake trig. o 7 Hz fake trig. Trigger Efficiency CDR – Performances of the EUSO-Balloon
Conclusions EUSO-Balloo will IMAGE the UV sky background (star light, airglow, TLEs, artificial lights) in the bandwidth used by the JEMEUSO mission observational technique. All key components and the relative sub-assembly items will be tested according to the configuration foreseen for the JEM-EUSO mission: in particular the trigger scheme and its capability to cope with the variable sky conditions (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT). Simulation studies have been performed: to understand the structure of the expected signal and the effective energy threshold of EUSO-Balloon and its possibility to detect showers. Results confirm the capability of the instrument of detecting primary cosmic rays of energy E>10 18 eV. Due to the low cosmic ray flux the detection of a couple of events will require few days exposure time therefore the detection of the first air shower from the edge of the space will most probably require more than one flight. CDR – Performances of the EUSO-Balloon 16