Bio-Medical/Health Science Academy Welcome to Open House Home Health Aide EKG AideFirst Responder Anatomy & Physiology Nursing Assistant
Teacher Introduction Teacher Introduction Graduated from Miami Dade Medical Campus, Certified Respiratory Therapist Graduate from Florida International University, Bachelor’s Degree in Health Occupations Education Graduate from Florida International University, Specialist Certificate in Vocational Education Certified to teach Health Science since 2000 Have been teaching at Ferguson Senior High Since 2005 Other certifications: Certified & Registered Pharmacy Technician Certified EKG Aide Certified Medical Administrative Assistant
Communication is the best means of communication with me. is the best means of communication with me. School Website: School Website: Teacher Website: Teacher Website:
To be an Academy Completer: Complete the required academy electives Complete the required academy electives Complete 100 hours of community service Complete 100 hours of community service Maintain a 3.0 GPA in the academy Maintain a 3.0 GPA in the academy Maintain a 2.5 GPA overall Maintain a 2.5 GPA overall
Health Science Education Pre-Requisites Health Science Education Pre-Requisites Core Courses -Health Science 1 – Anatomy & physiology, Medical Terminology, Diseases, Careers, Medical Skills -Health Science 1 – Anatomy & physiology, Medical Terminology, Diseases, Careers, Medical Skills -Health Science 2 – Medical Trends, health careers & facilities, Law & Ethics, Communication skills, medical terminology, CPR certification, First Aid, Vital signs, Infection Control, Safety, HIV/Aids, Employability skills, Communication, Money management * 3 college credits (after completing HS1 & HS2) -Class Fee - $10.00
Medical Skills & Bio-Medical 4 - Year Strand Medical Skills & Bio-Medical 4 - Year Strand Academy Strand Allied Health **Certification Programs Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 First Responder First Responder Nursing Assisting Nursing Assisting Health Science 1 Health Science 2 ** EKG Aide & HOE Directed Study **Home Health Aide & Hoe Directed Study ** First Responder 3 **Nursing Assisting 3 & Allied Health 3, Clinicals
The job-preparatory programs at John A. Ferguson High School are designed to provide students with the competencies necessary for certification in a variety of entry level health occupations. Many of our programs articulate with Miami-Dade County Public Schools post-secondary programs and/or Miami-Dade Community College programs.
Common Career Technical Core Career Ready Practices 1. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee. 2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. 3. Attend to personal health and financial well-being. 4. Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason. 5. Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions. 6. Demonstrate creativity and innovation. 7. Employ valid and reliable research strategies. 8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 9. Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management. 10. Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals. 11. Use technology to enhance productivity. 12. Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence.
What does HOSA Provide? Motivation & Recognition Community Involvement Leadership skills Networking opportunities Opportunity to travel Scholarships HOSA is 100% Health Care!!!
HOSA HOSA: Future Health Professionals HOSA: Future Health Professionals Professional Organization Professional Organization membership Dues $ Covers District, State & National dues membership Dues $ Covers District, State & National dues 2 Conferences & transportation $30.00 each 2 Conferences & transportation $30.00 each Club T-shirt $15.00 Club T-shirt $15.00
Thank You for Coming, it was a pleasure to meet you!