Part I. Estimate of funding -COMPLETE Identify source(s) of funding Less Carry forward of tuition (3% of Tuition Revenue) Less known fixed cost increases Part II. Identify Priorities - COMPLETE Division’s submit top 1o requests over $10k (must be one-time costs) Part III. Sub-committee review - COMPLETE Team members from Facilities, ITS, Procurement, Finance, Budget, and Academic Affairs, & AVP for Operations Purpose is to determine ANY CONSTRAINTS- timing, resources, support, purchasing requirements, conflicts with other projects, OR opportunities for collaboration
Part IV. PPBAC review/recommendations -IN PROGRESS VP’s/Division Heads present requests PPBAC makes recommendations as to funded projects and prioritization Part V. Division Spending March timeframe VP’s/Division Heads will be provided with operating balances for all departments in Division. Allows opportunity to redirect funds as needed to meet division needs Part VI. Institutional Department Funding sweep June timeframe, Office of Budget & Planning will draw down any uncommitted funds from department budgets Funding used to support approved year-end projects not already funded
Division/UnitAmount Academic Affairs$ 1,906,891 Operations$ 6,152,705 Student Success$ 261,032 Advancement$ 50,000 Diversity$ 36,000 External Affairs$ 54,864 Legal Affairs$ 11,000 TOTAL$ 8,472,492
New funding is impacted by the following- Increase/decrease in tuition and enrollment revenue received during the current fiscal year as compared to budget. Increases/Decreases in state appropriation Anticipated enrollment increase/decline for new fiscal year Tuition rate increase for the new fiscal year Offset by increases in fixed costs and other critical needs We will know more about funding level in mid April when we receive our allocation information from USG/Fiscal Affairs
NARRATIVE (As In Part III of the Budget Narrative) # of Positions (if applicable) Requested Amount List Top 5 Priorities (in priority order) 1 RPG Initiatives a) reduce full time student/full time faculty ratio; b) improve and expand High- Impact Practices; and c) improve student-to-advisor ratios21 $1,800, Facilities Improvements/Maintenance $800, Operations Personnel - Additional graduate librarians for College of Health and Human Services and engineering and engineering technology; additional staff to support growth of programs and facility needs at the Sports and Recreation Park; one records specialist position to help assess and oversee records management at the Marietta campus; an Advance Microsoft SQL System Support Professional in support of key enterprise systems8 $500, External Affairs - includes both personnel and operating needs to support additional responsibilities related to consolidation.4 $200, Advancement - hire two Development Directors to support the three colleges residing on the Marietta campus.2 $150, Total $3,450,000.00
PeopleSoft (Financial System) not accessible from March 17 th – April 1 st Affects all USG Institutions How does this impact YOU? Unable to process travel requests Unable to process purchase orders or pay invoices Check Financial Management website for more information and…. YEAR-END SPENDING DEADLINES