The European Location Framework (E.L.F.) How to Provide Geospatial Reference Data and Services for Europe based on INSPIRE Antti Jakobsson EuroGeographics.


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Presentation transcript:

The European Location Framework (E.L.F.) How to Provide Geospatial Reference Data and Services for Europe based on INSPIRE Antti Jakobsson EuroGeographics Programmes Manager David Overton EuroGeographics Clemens Portele, Interactive Instruments Germany Jörgen Hartnor Lantmäteriet Sweden Olaf Ostensen Statens Kartverk Norway Arnulf Christl Metaspatial Germany

Key messages The idea of the European Location Framework – INSPIREd by ESDIN Reference data from the Members States and Reference Data Services needed Co-ordination by European Organizations – Build on INSPIRE

Is there need to combine services for Europe?

ESDIN results – (and videos in Youtube) An understanding of user requirements Harmonised specifications for data Transformation rules and services A comprehensive quality assurance approach, including automation of quality evaluation services Generalisation rules and services A modular approach to pricing and licensing and a Geo Product Finder A more efficient way of gaining access to the data – Federations authenticated by Shibboleth Tools for testing the infrastructure Proposals and tools to manage maintenance and updates A solution to technical architecture.

How to be INSPIREd by ESDIN?

Proposed concept for The European Location Framework Set of specifications for reference data and interoperability services Interoperability across resolutions, themes and between countries for topographic, administrative and cadastral reference data. Reference data services implemented by the Member States (NMCAs) Interoperability services by actors Co-ordination by European organizations (e.g. EuroGeographics) Funded by Member States, Commission and users Community of users and other data providers, developers, service intergrators European Location Framework GEOSS /

The European Location Framework GOALS from the EuroGeographics point of view The concept of reference data –concentrate on the main business of the public sector Work together with other players to create the infrastructure Concentrate on one reference data layer at regional level and derive small scale from it Large scale reference data based on NMCAs distributed services Create tools for NMCAs to provide the data; transformation; edge- matching; quality; generalization, security Build the reference data that others can rely on (UIDs, quality) Align other thematic data like ECRINS with it Make data policy and licensing work Build the community

Reference data Reference datasets are a series of datasets that everyone involved with geographic information uses to reference his/her own data as part of their work. They provide a common link between applications and thereby provide a mechanism for sharing knowledge and information amongst people (FGDC, 2005; Rase et al., 2002) It provides an unambiguous location for a user’s information; It enables the merging (aggregating/fusing) of data from various sources; It provides a geographic framework or context to allow others to better understand the spatial information that is being presented; It is subject to a regular data maintenance regime; It is provided from an authoritative source with a mandate, or responsibility, for it’s maintenance and availability.

Private Industry will do this, relax!

Reference data Additional and Thematic data Meeting the user requiremen t NMCAsOther governmental agencies Private industry Cartographic industry EO Service Integrat ion User Applicatio n Reference data services Web companiesGIS industry ”the Cloud” USERS Reference data and services are part of the solution!

EG vision on reference data Members Master Sources Admin Hydro Transport Other Topo Addresses Buildings DEM, Landcover, Geographical Names, Ortho, Cadastral Parcels Urban Rural Remote Topo + Cadastre E.L.F. Regional dataset Generalization process Conformance testing Quality Evaluation E.L.F Global dataset Edge-matching service (EuroXBoundary) Generalization process Conformance testing EG+National mapping and Cadastral Agencies Reference data services (view,download) EGN+Address service Quality evaluation service Joint services ECRINS Urban Atlas Corine Land Cover GMES Reference Data Service INSPIRE Commission Service EU Geoportal Google Maps Yahoo Point of Interest Navtech/Teleatlas SEIS Registry services EuroGeo Info Commercial Service Integrators AnnexIII Additional and Thematic data Reference data Services Applications Service Integration

Would it be nice if we would have standard specifications for reference data!

Resolution and Level of Details Target level of detail Scale 1:2,500,000 1:1,000,000 1,500,000 1,250,000 1,100,000 1,50,000 1:25,000 1:10,000 1:5,000 1:2,500 Global Target level of detail Regional Master Urban Rural Level of details Mountainous Target level of detail

The planned E.L.F coverage at regional and global level Not available Available Admin available Admin, EGM available Availability to be agreed Malta Note: Administrative theme covers the whole territory of France (including overseas areas), Denmark (including Greenland and Faroe Islands)

And do you think this will work for me?

Benefits to the users Consistency between themes, so that themes can be used together in various resolutions; Better up-to-dateness and consistency between resolutions. For example feature that is present in master level will be present also in medium/small scales if it should be present according to selection criteria; Quality conformance levels and metadata enables users to ensure that their requirements are met; Maintenance of reference information in user databases. Unique identifiers enable change only updates. Reference data provision for European users including European Commission, Eurostat, GMES, EEA, Frontex;

Minimum INSPIRE implementation is enough! Why should we care?

Benefits for the producers Cost savings in the national production and maintenance processes of European data; Common feature type dictionary between resolutions enables use of generalization process in maintenance processes of medium/small scale resolutions which means better up-to- dateness and consistency between resolutions Help implementing the INSPIRE directive Implementation of interoperability processes including edge- matching between countries to achieve cross-border consistency, quality evaluation and conformance testing, generalization and transformation services Increase usage of national data in services, European and global use.

2011 EuroGeographics Actions Discussion paper targeted to NMCAs/EuroGeographics role for panEuropean/cross- border SDI in INSPIRE Launch of INSPIRE/ELF demonstration service under EuroGeoForum site (during 2011) Launch of EuroGeographics WMS under EuroGeoInfo site (demonstrating the EGM,ERM,EBM and EuroGeoNames) -> INSPIRE conference Setting up EuroGeographics project for E.L.F-> E.L.F task force (currently participating (BKG Germany,KMS Denmark,IGN France,Slovenia,Interactive Instruments,OGC,EDINA UK,Metaspatial Germany,Kadastre Netherlands,FOMI Hungary,Romania,Croatia,ADV Germany) Prepared a proposal for ICT/PSP – EuroGeoCloud (26 partners) Presentations on ESDIN results and E.L.F. at conferences and internal communication between members (GA, regional meetings) Starting implementation of ESDIN results Generalization EGM from ERM, ERM admin from EBM and EGM admin from EBM ERM based on ELF specs in 2013 EuroGeoNames based on new architecture and lauch in 2012

EuroGeoCloud Geo Product Finder NMCA 1 Production Data Publication Data Downloa d Service View Service NMCA 2 Production Data Publication Data Downloa d Service View Service NMCA 3 Production Data Publication Data Downloa d Service View Service Transformatio n Service EuroGeoCloud Data Cache Publication Data Downloa d Service View Service Meta- data Replication Service Tile Map Service JavaScri pt API NN Open Data Source Data NN Internet (TCPIP) Geo Product Finder Open Data Source Data NN Internet (TCPIP, TLS), HTTP, HTTPS, SAML2 Catalogue Industrial Risk Management Service Public Map Shop Other Application or Service Crisis Management Support Crisis Management Support Insurance Risk Assessment Service

Ok this is useful stuff, who will decide?

You will decide! (Member States and European Commission) No There is no need private industry will build the infrastructure -> use of MS data at pan-European/cross border case will be difficult or nearly impossible -> costs to MS will increase No co-ordination EuroGeographics continues on pan- European/cross-boder INSPIRE with member states -> slow process -> no benefits to the MS nationally -> users have data but is it quality data? E.L.F./INSPIRE Agreement to co-ordinate pan-European/cross border activities for INSPIRE -> Faster process, use of MS data will increase -> Cost savings to the Member States both nationally and for the European use ->Users have quality data