Mangroves: The Tree of Life Stephanie Bryant Tiffany Green Cletra Peters 4/23/2017 Free template from
Free template from What is a Mangrove? 4/23/2017 Free template from
Free template from Standards NCTM Process Standards: communication Content Standards: data analysis and probability NAEP Scientific Inquiry: S4.4 Use empirical evidence to validate or criticize conclusions about explanations and predictions Technology: T4.3 Apply science principles or data to anticipate effects of technological design ISTE 3. Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students: locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media 4/23/2017 Free template from
Procedure Is this a plant? Why or why not? This is a plant called a Mangrove. Mangroves are special because they provide food and shelter for many species. 4/23/2017
Sound Clip of Mangrove Habitat The following link will provide you with the sounds heard in three different Mangrove habitats: Mangrove Habitats After listening to the link, create a sound map of all the sounds you heard. 4/23/2017
Sound Mapping 4/23/2017
Graph the Sounds Heard 4/23/2017
Mangroves as a Community: Species 4/23/2017
Standards NCTM Math Skills: NAEP ISTE Process Standards: representation Content Standards: numbers and operations NAEP Scientific Inquiry: S4.1 Design and critique aspects of scientific investigations (e.g., involvement of control groups, adequacy of sample). Technology: T4.2 Identify scientific tradeoffs in design decisions and choose among alternative solutions. ISTE 3. Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students :d) process data and report results. 4/23/2017
Procedure Teacher will direct students to the Salted Carrot Activity from the previous day. Students will each measure their carrots and chart any changes that might have occurred. Students will write in their science notebooks why they believe this change occurred. 4/23/2017
Materials Carrot Salt Container with Water 4/23/2017
Results of Salted Carrot Activity Day 1 Day 2 Length 6 inches 4.5 inches Diameter 4 inches 2 inches Weight 1.5 pounds 1 pound Based upon our data, we can see that the carrot shrunk in every category over the twenty four hour period. The length decreased by 1.5 inches, the diameter by 3 inches, and the weight decreased by.5 pounds. We believe that these decreases show the effect that salted water has on plants that rely on the Mangrove tree. 4/23/2017
A Walk through the Mangrove Forrest 4/23/2017
Standards NCTM NAEP ISTE Creativity and Innovation Process Standards: Connections Content Standards: Geometry NAEP Scientific Inquiry: S4.4 Use empirical evidence to validate or criticize conclusions about explanations and predictions (e.g., check to see that the premises of the argument are explicit, notice when the conclusions do not follow logically from the evidence given). Technology: T4.1 Propose or critique solutions to problems, given criteria and scientific constraints; ISTE Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. 4/23/2017
Procedure Students will participate in an Animal Finder as a motivational activity. Students will then create different animals using a geo board and will explore different shapes. Students will actively participate in a Mangroves Scavenger Hunt independently. Students will research facts about mangroves on five websites that teacher provides A handout will be completed based upon the sites visited. 4/23/2017
Animal Finder 4/23/2017
Animal Finder Results Animal Location Near the roots, by the coral reef In the middle, swimming through the roots In the back behind the roots & shrubs At the bottom right behind the roots At the bottom on the floor on the mangrove 4/23/2017
Scavenger Hunt Handout Sample Questions: Using the previous websites identify two differences between the two previously selected parts of the mangrove. After reading and researching the website: List and describe three ways the mangroves contributes to the world.
Filamentality Website for Students The following is a link to a teacher created site on Mangroves. All you ever wanted to know about Mangroves! Filamentality Website The site is useful because it presents students with background information on Mangroves. It also includes information on preserving the Mangrove habitat. 4/23/2017
Save the Mangroves 4/23/2017
Mangroves Video 4/23/2017
References BBC. (2010). Mangroves. Retrieved from Mangrove Action Project.(unknown) Mangrove Action Project. Retrieved from Globio. (2007). Mangroves. Retrieved from National Environment & Planning Agency. (unknown). I am a tree. Retrieved from 4/23/2017