Intelligently Converting Online Consumers into Offline Shoppers Peje Kharrazi | VP National Ad Sales| Can Mobile Ads Work to Drive Customers In Store?
AGENDA Location-Based Innovations Measurable Results Brand Advantage Retailigence Solutions adPOP Intro Video
Sources: Google Shopper Marketing Council, April 2013 InStoreShoppingExperience
“sweet spot” Location-basedImportance
Mobile location-based technologies CurrentInnovations - outside DMA Zip Code Targeting Lat/Long Targeting Geo-Fencing Around Store and/or Competitors
There are no industry standards across all mobile operating systems. And there is no wide adoption of either technology by any major retailers. FutureInnovations – in store Near Field Communication (NFC) is a set of short-range wireless technologies, typically requiring a distance of 4cm or less to initiate a connection. NFC allows you to share small payloads of data between an NFC tag and an Android- powered device. iBeacon is an indoor positioning system that Apple Inc. calls a “new class of low- powered, low-cost transmitters that can notify iOS7 devices of their presence” by using Bluetooth low energy proximity sensing to transmit a universally unique identifier.
Measures only at final transaction stage (however does not measure the entire path to purchase). Promo&CouponCodes Scanned / presented to cashier Unique identifier can be traced to publisher/campaign Register systems needs to be set up to accept Consumer can scan more than once Elements
WhatisMeasurable? Ad / microsite Learn more about product(s) Description Reviews/Video Maps Click to call Social Sharing to self/friends Promo/coupon codes Add to shopping list Engagement
Sources: Google Shopper Marketing Council, April 2013 PreStoreShoppingExperience
HowBrandsCanTakeAdvantage Real-time Product Data/Availability Product data/availability at major retailers across the country at the local level Location-based Targeting Targeting users on mobile device based on proximity to retailer where goods/product is sold Dynamic Customized Creative Relevant to consumer Encourages engagement/action Guides user to path-of-purchase
KeyDifferentiation: Data 100,000+ Store Locations 100,000+ Store Locations 1,000+ Brands 1,000+ Brands 12,000,000+ Products Fashion & Apparel Home & Office Appliances Health & Beauty Media Sporting Goods Electronics/Computers Pet Supplies Auto & Auto Parts 12,000,000+ Products Fashion & Apparel Home & Office Appliances Health & Beauty Media Sporting Goods Electronics/Computers Pet Supplies Auto & Auto Parts
Zip, DMA, State, Regional Premium Publisher Sites By Device: Apple, Android 3 Mile Radius Around Stores TargetingCapabilities Precise Audience Targeting
Mobile Microsite w/Store Locator Consumer Discovery Multi-Frame Dynamic Banner hyperlocal display ads & microsite MobileToStore
Mobile Microsite w/Store Locator Consumer Discovery Multi-Frame Dynamic Banner hyperlocal display ads & microsite MobileToStore
Mobile Microsite w/Store Locator Consumer Discovery Multi-Frame Dynamic Banner hyperlocal display ads & microsite MobileToStore
Mobile Microsite w/Store Locator Consumer Discovery Multi-Frame Dynamic Banner hyperlocal display ads & microsite MobileToStore
Mobile Microsite w/Store Locator Consumer Discovery Multi-Frame Dynamic Banner hyperlocal display ads & microsite MobileToStore
Mobile Microsite w/Store Locator Consumer Discovery Multi-Frame Dynamic Banner hyperlocal display ads & microsite MobileToStore
Connected to Leading Publishers & Apps Mobile Shopper Reporting & Analytics (including path-to-purchase insights) KeyComponents Custom Microsite (product/brand finder, maps/directions/distance, social) Dynamic Local Creative (i.e. 142K products x 4,000 stores = 568M creative permutations) Intelligent Hyperlocal Targeting (based on product availability)
Proprietary and Confidential THANK YOU! Peje Kharrazi VP, National Advertising Sales (310) Ashley Gustafson National Account Executive (781)