Design and Implementation of Microblogging Web Application for Announcement System in Petra Christian University Author: Yogi Purnomo ( ) Supervisor: Justinus Andjarwirawan, M.Eng. Arlinah Imam Rahardjo, MLIS.
Background Web technology Microblogging Current System Problem (Manual) Intensive lecture schedule and the administration office that located far away from the class room Too many unrelated announcement paper that taped on board
Objective Develop a microblogging website and mobile microblogging website application to be applied for administration announcement system in Petra Christian University
Problem Identification How to make a microblogging website for desktop and mobile How to connect the PHP and Mysql database with microblogging website How to integrate the microblogging website with facebook
Scope and Limitation Features: Character limit in a microblogging message is 140 character Group setting: Search, join and leave group Block user from group (can only be done by group creator) Group creator can post important message User can send and receive private message Received message will also be sent to
Scope and Limitation (cont.) Published content: Test, Mid-term test & Final test schedule Canceled or postponed class schedule Database for this application is provided by BAAK Facebook integration
Scope and Limitation (cont.) This application is applied at university level with a minimum of one course from each faculty This application is created using HTML,PHP,Mysql,javascript
Basic Theory Microblogging An activity to post a small message online with a maximum of 140 character Mobile Website Website that is specially made for mobile device access
System Analysis and Design
Login and Home flowchart
Login and Home flowchart (Cont.)
Announcement flowchart
Announcement flowchart (Cont.)
Schedule flowchart
Group flowchart
Private Message flowchart
Contact flowchart
Site Map
Admin Home and Login flowchart
Admin Announcement flowchart
Admin Announcement flowchart (Cont.)
Admin Schedule flowchart
Admin Report flowchart
Admin site map
Context Diagram
DFD level 0
DFD level 0 (Cont.)
Conceptual Data Model
Physical Data Model
Majors Announcement
Test Schedule
Mid-term & Final Test
Subject Announcement
Conclusions Survey result shows that most students experience difficulty, to determine which messages are new or recently posted 75,86% of the students feel that the current system announcement (manual) does not meet their needs on easy, fast and accurate information
Conclusion (Cont.) 75,86% of the students feel that the online information system will make it easier for them to access the information 74,21% of the students feel that the online information system will help them to get information faster
Conclusion (Cont.) 65,51% of the students feel that the features of the website meet their needs 79% of the students feel that the online system announcement may replace the current (manual) system announcement
Suggestion The human resources should update the information periodically and constantly so the system can meet its purpose Improve the connection speed to access Petra website from outside Petra.
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