School Year
Four Orchestras: 1) Beginner or PRELUDE Orchestra (Viola & Cello class – Violin & Bass Class) 1) Concert Orchestra 7 th & 8 th grade 2) *Symphonic Orchestra 7 th & 8 th grade 3) *Chamber Orchestra 7 th & 8 th grade *Audition Only Orchestras (Compete at UIL)
Learn and demonstrate technical and musical skills on the violin, viola, cello and/or bass Develop ensemble and rehearsal techniques in both a large and small ensemble setting Perform quality musical performances in large and small orchestra ensembles Develop a lifelong appreciation for music Inspire & encourage others with our music!
Prelude Orchestra – min. a week, then increasing to min. a week (Approximately 15 min. a day) Concert Orchestra – min. a week (Approximately 17 min. a day) Symphonic Orchestra – min. a week (Approximately 20 min. a day) Chamber Orchestra – min. a week (Approximately 22.8 min. a day)
Students are required to be at all concerts! Concerts will be graded as a test grade (60%) Please check the Orchestra Calendar and plan to attend all concert dates If there is a school conflict, please let Mrs. L or Mrs. K know as soon as possible – often a compromise can be made to accommodate both events.
There are private lesson forms on the back table. Please fill out the required information and return to Mrs. K or Mrs. L Lessons will be set up on a first come first serve basis, depending on availability during school and before/after school Private lesson teachers will notify you of lesson time/payment requirements, etc. If a private lesson cannot be arranged during school, private lessons outside of school are encouraged *Please see the orchestra website for private teacher contact information and additional forms
Tuesday, Oct. 6 th – Beginner Concert at Medlin Violin/Viola Call time 5:30 pm 6:30 pm Cello/Bass Call time 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Tuesday, Nov. 17 th – Advanced Orchestra Concert at Byron Nelson Call Time 6:00 pm Concert, Symphonic and Chamber 7:00 pm
Please see our Orchestra Website at: (On Medlin’s Main Website under Extra/Co Curricular Tab) Specific information on upcoming orchestra events Updated Calendar for the entire school year Grading Guidelines (Parent Info tab) Helpful resources **Orchestra is Co-Curricular, meaning we have State mandated Knowledge and Skills expectations for learning and assessment
1) Donation to the Orchestra (Medlin Fees) 2) Required Instrument Fees (District Fees) *NISD Instrument Usage Fees $50 for NISD Violins, Violas, Cellos and Basses used at school Additional $50 for NISD owned violins, violas, cellos and basses used at home 1school instrument at school + 1 school instrument at home = $100 *All Medlin school instruments are being used **All NISD Instrument Fees are DUE by Oct.1 st Checks made out to NISD Please include: Drivers License, DOB, Expiration & Student Name in Memo Line
Breakdown: 1) Orchestra T-shirt = $10 2) Bus Fee (minimum 2 fieldtrips) = $15 3) Solo & Ensemble Fee (April) = $8 4) Festival/Performance Fee = $25 5) Orchestra Social Fee = $2 Total $60 **All Medlin Orchestra Fees (Donations) are due Tuesday, Sept. 29 th by 3:55 pm
You have the opportunity to fundraise your orchestra fees through… THE ORCHESTRA LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN!! All money collected goes DIRECTLY to the Medlin Orchestra! There is NO pickup or delivery of items! Tax deductible contributions!! We are asking each orchestra student to fundraise $100 That means the orchestra would raise $7,200 above and beyond our expenses…
Ask for donations from: Friends and family Your dentist Your orthodontist Your neighbor Facebook friends Co-workers Local businesses REMEMBER: 100% of the money donated goes to supporting your orchestra program!!
To our Orchestra Concerts! Especially those who donate to our orchestra program! Let them see how their dollars contributed to your music education and your life experiences! Please let us know if community members attend concerts so that we can recognize their support!
Sponsor up to 30 students with lesson scholarships (pay half of their lesson fee) Take a special fieldtrip to a Symphony Concert at the DSO or Ft. Worth Symphony Bring in orchestra clinicians and teachers to teach master classes and lessons The Sky is the limit! Pick up your Orchestra Donation Letters on the back table! Or you can print them from our website!!
Those students that donate/fundraise their $60 fee will be documented & allowed to participate in all activities in orchestra for the year Those students that donate/fundraise $100 will receive prizes based on the date of donation.. i.e. the earlier you turn in your donation, the better the prizes!!
Those students that only pay for a few of the fees will be documented, but at certain times of the year may not be able to participate in orchestra events or will be asked to pay their portion of the cost before they can attend or participate. An example would be: If a student pays for their t-shirt and bus fee, but does not pay for the festival or solo/ensemble fee, they will be asked to pay additional fees later in the year in order to participate in those events, or choose not to participate.
Minimum $100 Donation **Turned in Sept. 8 th -Sept. 11 th = Movie night with dinner provided! Minimum $100 Donation **Turned in Sept. 14 th – Sept. 18 th = After School Pizza Party! Minimum $100 Donation **Turned in Sept. 21 st – Sept. 25 th = After School Ice Cream Party!
**All Donations received after Sept. 25 th will not be eligible for a prize. **All Donations are DUE Tuesday, Sept. 29 th by 3:55 pm
We are looking for a few good Moms and Dads to help volunteer for Orchestra events! Please see the Orchestra Calendar for Orchestra Social Events and Fieldtrips! The Calendar will be updated with our Spring Festival Dates and we will need Chaperones! Sign up on the back table if you are interested in volunteering for the Orchestra Social Events!
Please check out ourOrchestra Website!!! NISD Instrument Usage Fees Checks made out to NISD Please include your Drivers License#, DOB, Expiration and Child’s name in Memo Line Orchestra Donation/Fees Checks made out to Medlin Orchestra Please include your Drivers License#, DOB, Expiration and Child’s name in Memo Line
We will send reminder s out in advance to remind you of upcoming events, etc. We will also send out Remind notices! Sign up to receive texts and/or s! Please utilize our orchestra website!!! us with any questions!!