©2009 ifanos c&p / Hoffmann&Reif. All rights reserved for InWEnt Capacity Building International 25 November 2009 | | Slide: 1 The iDRM Management Platform for Human Resource Development The Management and Coordination of Workshops, Training Courses, Symposia and Conferences for industrial Disaster Risk Management - managing people and HR events -
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 2 The networking Mission … for intellectual capital in industrial Disaster Risk Management – Capacity Building
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 3 Let's start with an example the total cost for an expert training event is INR 3 lakh ? or INR 10 lakh ? or USD 25 lakh ? or more … How can I access the material developed n_o_w ? How can I contact the experts involved n_o_w ?
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 4 intellectual capital developed Where is it ?
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 5 What is necessary? What are the Tasks? The documentation, dissemination and management of HRD events in the sector The presentation of relevant key concepts, rules and regulations and case studies A database with key persons and participants A development work area of partners of an upcoming iDRM network The documentation of key institutions and the facilitation of their networking Facilitation of the professional communication between the stakeholders
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 6 How can this be done? Internet platform – easy access - worldwide - fast and save (not a website!) Authoring system – decentred content production Content Management System - structured organisation of content Management Information System – access to relevant information at the fingertip Defined and effective work flows – efficient and cost effective organisation of knowledge management
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 7
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 8 Short History about - me and my machine ….. ….. can now talk to each other better and I personally can do more tasks ….. can now move tasks to a few friends and some people in my company better, so we are more productive …... can now distribute nearly any digitised information to everybody who wants it and we communicate and network fast and cooperate and produce in bilateral contacts …… can now jointly cooperate with many others on the same platform – we author in a team and we stay in dialogue with our audience.
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 9
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 10 What are the main features?
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 11 Middleware Admini- stration User Manage- ment Content Manage- ment Workflow engine Search and retrieval engine Application Server Knowledge Management Architecture Management and Administration Portal Special Objects for content publishing MIS (Management Information System) External Directory Services External Search Engines Community Management Knowledge Management Training Management Internet / Intranet XML Knowledge Objects HRDP System Architecture 1.Newsletter 2.Institutional database 3.Who-is-Who database 1.Collection & data analysis in the MIS 2.Training documentation / CCFs 3.Content publishing and workflow 1.Online booking 2.Trainer / participant management Features
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 12 What is needed for platform operation? qualified staff (online author / editor / system) (Authors, Editors, Administration) digital content material of all cooperating partners Efficient hosting Maintenance of the technical system
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 13 Marketing / Announcing and documenting Lists of all upcoming or past Training Events (CCF-Lists)
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 14 CCF
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 15 Information sharing Information sharing
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 16 Online Newsletter
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 17 Institutional Database -
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 18 Downloading
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 19 Rules and Regulations
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 20 Expert resources Database iDRM Network List of all activities in HRD
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 21 Who will use it? The visitors: all information not protected The subscribers: with restricted access codes (for defined intranet areas) for reading and downloading The authors: with access codes for the areas they are allowed to publish – guide and mentor courses
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 22 The public platform is used by result users and project coordinators To get information about services, upcoming trainings and workshops with detailed information E-learning To have access to information about best practises, reports and material from past training events To announce and to apply for training courses To inform about concepts, approaches and capacity building initiatives. To give feedback and evaluate Public space iDRM Network
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 23 The intranet for project coordinators, training management and selected stakeholders (trainers) To coordinate their training activities and contents. To document all material, reports, evaluations and tools To provide restricted access to reports, participants lists and background information To develop services and HRD events To plan projects To administer addresses and contacts Intranet iDRM Network
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 24 What is an internet based HRDP management platform? The platform is a system for de-centralized content maintenance and processing – an important tool for networking stakeholders Authors and editors produce directly the content (texts, pictures, links) and their structure – and not IT professionals The contents is directly published in public- or closed areas There is a system of access protection that can be adapted very specifically with different level passwords The platform operates on the basis of predefined templates / objects for each type of input (text, links, galleries, pictures, tables, data bases etc.) and the possibilities of extending them The templates are defined by workflow definition according to the requirements of the platform
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 25 Audience centric approach Our challenge is: How can the audience/public/targeted groups find and order best fitting trainings quickly? The Web is a place driven by your audience’s requirements (like identify suitable training offers, easy application for courses) We want to support the audience to more easily and efficiently fulfill/perform their tasks. Therefore we use tailor made and up-to- date content and standardized technology. Managing the content requires a deep understanding of the activities that were to be performed by your audience: -> This is an Activity-Centred Platform Design Approach means to focus on the audiences tasks = task centred
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 26 What is needed for Authoring? Editor Author - Content Manager Target audience
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 27 Efficient Management Processes De-centralized content maintenance and processing Creation Correction Author Proprietary formats: MS-Word Image data PUBLISHING-PLATFORM (CMS) XML-Normalisation / workflow-processes Editor / Reviewer Editorial office Correction Utilisation: XSL-Transformation ©2007 SNTL Publishing GmbH & Co KG All rights reserved, iDRM Network Target audience
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 28 The need of defined internal workflows – to make the cooperation a success Workflows for cooperation have to be defined Clear mandates are needed for authoring, editing, publishing and follow up of applications/registrations, queries, and contents production The tasks can be centralised (simple) of decentralised (more complicated)
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 29 How can we build up the HRD- iDRM Management Platform? Moderator (teaching staff) Manager Audience/ target groups Section author Centralized activities on the platform Chief Editor & Webmaster Phase I: Centralisation during content setup phase (approx. 6 months) send
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 30 How can we build up the HRD- iDRM Management Platform? Moderator (teaching staff) Manager De- centralized platform activities Phase II: decentralisation after setup phase author & upload Section author Audience/ target groups Chief Editor: release Webmaster
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 31 How is the platform deployed? As a cooperation tool - (e.g. for joint documentation) As a process management tool - (e.g. for course administration) A feedback tool As a performance analysis tool - (e.g. for course statistics)
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 32 Focussing on what is essential Strict separation of content and design / layout As an editor you work on the content only Layout / design adaptation is done in the templates Content Layout / Design Parts © xmachina/opentechnet
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 33 General assembly of a platform page – page view Path navigation Channels Page title Teaser for cross linked information Content area Bibliographic data (author, change date) Content navigation to sub folders iDRM Network
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 34 Assembly of web pages in the platform Consistent template model for automated page assembly Accessibility: content publishing guideline catalogue for people with disabilities pageelement_Logo pageelement_ Macronavigation page element_ Teaser page element_ Links headMeta headScript / headCSS headBodytag standard_ header pageregionTop pageelement_Micronavigatio n bodyContent_Float Bodytext of the Document pageelement_Headline pageelement_Index standard_ footer pageelement_Menu pageelement_Description pageelement_Copyright pageregionBefore pageregionAfter pageregionBottom pageregionLeft pageregionRight
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 35 How does it work?
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 36 Manage Mode View Mode
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 37 Textbausteine Text fragment Authoring principle: Fragments are produced in containers and sequenced Textbausteine Text fragment Image Teaser Text fragment Teaser Container („Molecules“) Fragments („Atoms“) Document Website Presentation fgh Templates... Language-3 Language-2 Language-1 Assembling Sequencing
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 38 General assembly of a platform page – manage mode for authors iDRM Network
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 39 What are the benefits?
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 40 How decision making on training management will be supported in future future dynamic key charts are displayed on the web page automatically: -> improved ease of access for decision support Decision makers instant online access
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 41 Management Information -
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 42 Multidimensional charts, example 1
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 43 Example: gender percentage rate Exemple 2: combination of traits F M % more females % more males
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 44 What are the benefits? ease of training programme management e.g. for participants: course selection, booking,...; for course managers: course administration comprehensive analysis with a single click e.g. how many training days have been offered throughout a year?...
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 45 What are the benefits?... and most important securing the investment by making expert material retrievable - for the public, for course participants of for manager / administration (with protected access) → Management of intellectual assets is a key component in any science based project
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 46 What features implemented at the moment?
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 47 Event announcement and documentation: Lists of all upcoming or past Training Events (CCF-Lists) Title Classification of subject Offering institutions can be added
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 48
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 49 The form meets the World Bank requirements
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 50 Expert resources and Online or manual application
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 51
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 52 Online or manual application
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 53 Overview of the booking status iDRM Network
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 54 Management and Coordination of multiple Training Events
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 55 Documentation system iDRM Network
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 56 KEY – Concepts in iDRM Collection for reference and dissemination of resource material
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 57 KEY – Concepts in iDRM Collection for reference and dissemination of resource material
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 58 For planning tasks and processes with a team of authors, this tool assures the overview of accomplishments iDRM Network
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 59 Feedback Queries and comments - They are sent automatically to those experts responsible for a subject iDRM Network
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 60 Downloads Collection of all relevant forms, templates and process descriptions iDRM Network
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 61 Tool to send evaluations in the form of a poll is a useful interactive tool for feedback. The tool can be changed easily for other themes and topics as per requirement. iDRM Network
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 62 What is needed to run the system?
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 63 A lot of highly skilled services needed but little procurement Operating System App.-Server Webserver CMS Connectivity & power Hardware Hardware exchange in case of failure Blade Server
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 64 Multi Client templates common content images (multilingual XML model) public 1 public 2public 3private Document templates common content images (multilinguales XML-Modell) public 1 public 2public 3private Document Organization templates common images ZMS-Instance Client Organization
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 65 Profiles: operating an MIS platform (incl. institutional Website), example Roles 1.System manager 2.Template developer and media producer 3.Graphic designer 4.Technical writer / editor 5.Communication manager Outsourced based on Service Level AgreementsInternal staff services
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 66 Profiles: operating an MIS platform (incl. institutional Website), example RolesTasksQualifications 1.System manager ▪ Securing performance of the technology based services and managing the support infrastructure ▪ Setting up and maintenance of Linux, Apache, App.-Server, CMS ▪ Strong system management skills (WWW-Server, Firewall, Linux-OS); strong skills in application server management ▪ Experience in Software-Engineering ▪ Very good skills for server maintenance tools ▪ Organisation and realisation of technical support for staff ▪ Ability to coordinate staff ▪ Strong communication skills and service orientation ▪ Experience in solution strategies for technical problems 2.Template developer and media producer ▪ Needs assessment and use case development ▪ User interface conceptualization and development ▪ Software development of applications ▪ Multimedia production ▪ Experience in content management systems ▪ Strong skills in software development (CMS based Engineering) ▪ Very good skills with Internet software tools ▪ Very good skills in the production of digital media ▪ Experience in solution strategies for technical problems ▪ Preferably Audio-/Video- and multimedia production ▪ Practical experience in audio-/video production 3.Graphic designer ▪ Photo / picture selection and processing ▪ Layout / design adaptation ▪ Design consistency & usability checks ▪ Graphic design of digital media resources ▪ Several years of experience in graphic / design work and digital media development (e.g. image processing) ▪ Experience in graphic design of print, offline (e.g. CD-ROM), online and broadcast media 4.Technical writer / editor ▪ Publication planning, authoring/editing and quality assurance ▪ Author / contributor network management ▪ ePublishing of documents, articles ▪ Content Management System configuration ▪ At least three years experience in authoring and editing (e.g. texts for websites, brochures, broadcast media) ▪ Subject matter expertise ▪ Strong communication skills and service orientation ▪ Strong computer skills and professional internet user 5.Communication manager ▪ Editing process and team management ▪ Overall content quality assurance ▪ Reporting to the decision makers ▪ Website marketing ▪ Experience in corporate / institutional communications ▪ Subject matter expertise ▪ Team and project management experience ▪ Marketing experience Outsourced based on Service Level AgreementsInternal staff services
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 67 Internal staff - TOR
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 68 Information management: Constantly update the web based content management system Collect relevant background papers for DMI and iDRM network activities Update the structure of the platform Up do date “Who-is Who” List and persons/institutions database Design Metadata structure for the platform Cooperation and communication with DMI and network partners: Communicate the work process Motivate DMI and networking partners, Take care and motivate other WEB site managers Follow up and quality control of HRD events: Steering and management of feedback To assist in the collection of all reports prepared by the individual or training provider Continuous qualification efforts and reports: Participate in upgrading courses and VoIP assistance for Administrator Skills Quarterly activity reports
9 March 2010 | | Slide: 69 Interviews We will present us You will present yourself You will ask questions We will ask also You make a little exercise
Thank you for your attention - End -