Water Right Settlement Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
Public Law Truckee-Carson-Pyramid Lake Water Settlement Settlement Act provides for: Interstate Allocation of Waters from Lake Tahoe, Truckee River and Carson River between States of California and Nevada Management of Truckee River Water Supply through Truckee River Reservoir Operations Allocation of Remaining Waters of Truckee River to Pyramid Lake 3
Public Law Truckee-Carson-Pyramid Lake Water Settlement (continued) Settlement Act provides for: Confirmation of Tribe’s Ownership of Bed and Banks of Truckee River and Pyramid Lake within Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation Boundaries Enhancement and recovery of Pyramid Lake Fishes (Cui-ui and Lahonatn Cutthroat Trout) 4
Public Law Settlement Act directs the Secretary of the Interior to negotiate an agreement for operation of Truckee River reservoirs (TROA) in order to: Satisfy water rights, court decrees, flood control and dam safety Meet responsibilities for Pyramid Lake fishes under Endangered Species Act Implement interstate allocation of Truckee River Store water for Pyramid Lake Fishes Provide storage for Drought Water Supply 5
Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA) TROA provides for: Implementation of Interstate Allocations Enhancement of spawning flows for Pyramid Lake fishes Drought protection for Cities of Reno and Sparks Truckee Meadows Water Conservation Program (Installation of water meters) 6
Mandatory TROA Signatories Department of the Interior State of California State of Nevada Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Truckee Meadows Water Authority (formerly Sierra Pacific) 7
TROA Is Important Implementation of TROA will: Enhance Truckee River flow to Pyramid Lake Increase M&I drought supply Implement interstate allocation Enhance habitat for Pyramid Lake fishes Enhance Truckee River water quality Enhance reservoir recreation Coordinate reservoir and river management 8
TROA Will Not: Interfere with water rights Change state law Create new water appropriations Change flood control requirements Require new dams, canals, or other facilities 9
TROA Reservoir Operations Management flexibility Exchange water among reservoirs Share storage space Credit Waters Fish Credit Waters TMWA M&I Credit Waters Water Quality Credit Water Fernley Municipal Credit Water California Credit Waters Newlands Project Credit Water 10