Public Transit Division Discretionary Programs Overview January 2011
Program Purpose Program Purpose Increase mobility Mitigate congestion Improve air quality Increase economic vitality Conserve energy Improve sustainability Improve efficiency
$37 M Discretionary Funds Available Biennium Older Adults/Individuals w/ Disabilities - $29.4 M (Conducted through local STF Agency process) $26 M – transportation for seniors and people with disabilities $2 M – state funds for seniors and people with disabilities $1.4 M – New Freedom for individuals with disabilities General Public Transportation - $7.6 M $1.6 M – Jobs Access and Reverse Commute $4 M – Mass Transit Vehicle Replacement $1.7 M - Intercity passenger bus service $.3 M - transit planning projects
PTD Grants Timeline Oct – Dec: Grant program workshops Nov – Jan: Local process Applications due to PTD April: Recommendations announced May-June: Execute agreements July and on: Projects start after grants executed
ODOT Transit Program Context Criteria is developed with Public Transportation Advisory Committee appointed by the OTC. Applicants must participate in a local coordinated transportation plan. Applicants must be current participants or demonstrate that they can meet federal program requirements. Solicitation for PTDs Special Needs Transportation projects is conducted locally by lead STF Agency.
ODOT Transit Programs PTD conducts a State level solicitation for: –Rural intercity bus connections –Replacement of urban transit buses –Rural Transit Planning projects –Jobs Access and Reverse Commute –New Freedom Program –State of Good Repair when FTA offered - TIGGER when FTA offered
FTA Transit Programs Urban Transit Systems Apply Direct: FTA 5309 Bus and Bus Related; called State of Good Repair –New and replacement buses and equipment TIGGER; Transit Investments in Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction –Green Innovations in transit Transit in the Parks Annual timeframes, likely announced in spring
Eligible Participants/Partners Special Transportation Agencies are lead to conduct local special transportation process: –Transit Districts, where they exist –Counties, where there is not a district –Tribes Cities And private or non profit partners when contracted locally to implement the projects.
Program Priorities General priorities for transit projects are: –Preserve existing system –Sustain levels of service –Add new projects for underserved or unserved populations –Increase efficiency of operations –Increase effectiveness/performance –Innovation –Improve mobility, access and health –New emphasis on environmental goals
Typical Transportation Projects Transit Vehicles – replacements and added Preventive Maintenance for vehicles Passenger shelters and amenities Facilities, signs, security and equipment Mobility Management – travel training IT, dispatch and travel information/coordination activities
Special Transportation Program Project Opportunities and Match –Purchased Service (89.73/10.27% match) –Operations (56.08/43.92% match) –Medicaid Match (~40/60% match) –Capital/preventive maintenance (89.73/10.27% match) –Mobility Management (89.73/10.27% match
Job Access and Reverse Commute Program JARC: –Small amount of funds available –Projects are for work-related transportation for people with low incomes. –Capital=80% fed/20% local –Operations=50/50% –Mobility Management=80/20% –Must be derived from Coordinated Plan –Requires STF Agency endorsement Small urban and non urbanized areas only, Contact TriMet, SAMTD and LTD directly re their process for allocating funds
New Freedom Program –FTA §5317, New Freedom Transportation beyond the ADA for people with disabilities, including work-related activities –Match –Capital=80% fed/20% local –Operations=50/50% –Mobility Management=80/20% –Small urban and non urbanized areas only, Contact TriMet, SAMTD and LTD directly re their process for allocating funds
Planning, Intercity Bus and Mass Transit Vehicle Replacement Planning Program; 80%fed Intercity Bus Program: –Vehicles available to link rural communities; 89.73% fed Mass Transit Vehicle Replacement Program: –Vehicles to replace old buses in urban transit use % fed –For more info. see ODOT PTD Website:
The Coordinated Plan Coordinated Plan is the key to the Older Adults and People with Disabilities Program, also JARC and NF –Identifies gaps –Identifies goals and priorities –Assists to establish critical needs
Questions? Dinah Van Der Hyde, Sr. Policy Analyst Telephone: Website:
Parting thoughts…