Unit 7: We, the People Theme 13: Making Laws
debate- formal method of an interactive and representational verbal argument In a debate, people take different sides on something or voice differing opinions and then talk about it.
granting- allowing or giving permission to someone to do something Our principal granted the students permission to wear jeans Friday.
officials- people who are elected and have power in government Mayors are officials of their towns.
representation- officials that are elected for government There are many government officials that serve as our local, state, and federal representation.
legal- something that is allowed by law It is legal to drive on the right side of the road in America.
justice- fairness, or when the right thing is done We seek justice for all people in our country.
govern- to provide leadership for or be responsible for an office in the government Mayors govern cities and Presidents govern countries.
candidate- someone who tries to get elected to a job in government There were many candidates in the presidential election.
politics- describes the activities that have to do with government Government leaders use politics to develop federal laws and regulations.
authority- having the right or power to enforce rules or laws A policeman has the authority to arrest anyone who is breaking the law.