What is Information Systems?
What do iTunes, Walmart, and eBay have in common?
Answer: they transform people’s lives millions of times a day through the use of Information Systems
What do iTunes, Walmart, and eBay have in common? Answer: they transform our lives millions of times a day through the use of Information Systems iTunes: Music on demand (1.26 downloads per day) eBay: The world’s largest electronic flea market (averages 1.2 million items per day) WalMart: A very large selection of products customers want at low prices (over 10 million transactions per day)
IS professionals: Transform… Manage… Build… Design… Analyze…
Information Technology Data People Organization Information Systems Combine to form Provide Business Solutions
Careers in Information Systems Programmer analyst Systems analyst Data Base Administrator Data Base Programmer Network Analyst Network Administrator Telecommunications Technician Security Manager (LAN & WAN) IT Trainer Web/Internet Administrator Web Designer/Programmer Web Security Manager
An Example IS Project The Center for Computing Education Research