My Career Project By: Emily Keillor
Music Industry Management What is Music Industry Management? Music Industry Management is a career program whose aim is to ensure that students graduate fully equipped to build themselves a future within the Music industry. The program is designed to enable you to become an economically active member of the Music Business through establishing your own business, obtaining employment within the industry or by more successfully managing your own musical creativity. It’s pretty much a fancy word for band manager.
The Duties of a Music Industry Manager would greatly depending on the individual needs of the artist. Some managers focus exclusively on a few duties, such as advising the band on creative, business and personal decisions and assisting them in finding engagements. Others take on multiple roles, such as booking agent, promoter and travel arranger. Managers often negotiate recording contracts and help the band members understand their responsibilities. Duties/Working Conditions The working conditions would be having to deal with crazy fans, fans that weren’t satisfied, sometimes the venues you play at are not in the best shape, and you might be on the rode a lot with bands.
To become a Music Industry Manager you must complete high school and get your diploma. After high school I would probably go to Ferris State University since that school has a great program for Music Industry Manager. The Music Industry Management degree program at Ferris leads to a bachelor of science degree. It would cost $10, each year you attend FSU. Training opportunities
A Music Manager's salary can range from $20,000 to over $1 million per year. Depends on the singer you manage. Earnings
Marketing in the Entertainment Business is working behind musicians, artists, film makers, ect. Marketing in the Entertainment Business is everything from finding interesting things to put on an album cover to finding out what sells in the music business. Marketing in the Entertainment Business
The duties of a marketer in the entertainment business would have to deal with long hours in the office, possibly traveling to new places to find new artists, and you would probably have to deal with rude band members. Duties/Working Conditions
The best school for me to go to for this career would be Full Sail University in Winter Park Florida. Full Sail University is a University that specializes in the Entertainment business. FSU has all up to date technology/programs to give you the best hands on experience you get can for your career in mind. For my career it would cost $56,000 for 5 semesters. This does not include room & board since FSU does not have a campus in which you can live on. Training opportunities
A Music Industry Manager can make any where from $40,ooo to $100,000 a year, it all depends on the artists you are working for. Earnings
Similarities/Differences Similarities Differences Both of these careers require communication skills and leadership skills. Both careers deal with music and marketing. Also both careers require a Bachelor of Science Degree. A Marketer in the Entertainment Business doesn’t necessarily have to work directly with an artist but the other one does. You travel a lot more if you were a Music Industry Manager.
It’s really hard to choice since I really like both of these careers so much, but if I had to choose I think I could pick Marketing in the Entertainment Business since Marketing & entertainment is such a big thing these days it just seems like a wise choice. Which do I prefer?
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