Stewardship Oversight Committee Project Delivery Design & Construction Performance Measures May 2012
3 rd QTR SFY 12 2 % of Projects On Time for PS&E Acceptance (Statewide) Metric Definition: Project no greater than 90 days over the target PS&E Acceptance date. Target PS&E acceptance date is currently defined as the target bid let date minus 45 days.
3 rd QTR SFY 12 3 % of Projects On Time for NTP (Statewide) Metric Definition: Percentage of projects which reached NTP before their target bid-let date days. (Actual NTP < (target bid let date + 90 window + 57 days for NTP) = on time)
3 rd QTR SFY 12 4 % Preliminary Engineering (PE) (Statewide) Metric Definition: Percentage of Preliminary Engineering = Design Cost divided by Total Project Cost
3 rd QTR SFY 12 5 % of Projects Awarded Within Engineering Estimate (Statewide) Metric Definition: % of Projects awarded at no greater than or less than 10% of the Engineering Estimate.
3 rd QTR SFY 12 6 Project Delivery Performance Measures -- Bid
3 rd QTR SFY 12 7 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT VOLUME 1.How much has ODOT's construction program paid contractors per calendar year?
3 rd QTR SFY 12 8 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT VOLUME 2.What is the value of ODOT's construction program awarded to Contractors to build construction projects per calendar year?
3 rd QTR SFY 12 9 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT VOLUME 3.What is the number of construction program projects with on site work (2nd Note) completed during the calendar year?
3 rd QTR SFY TIMELINESS 4.What percent of ODOT construction program projects completed on-site work before the original contract completion date, and before 90 days after the original contract completion date ?
3 rd QTR SFY QUALITY 5.For construction projects involving pavement that were completed during the calendar year, what was the final average pavement smoothness index? (Smaller is better)
3 rd QTR SFY ENVIRONMENTAL 7.How many letters of non-compliance did ODOT receive from regulatory agencies on ODOT construction contracts? (Source: Statewide Permits Program Coordinator)
3 rd QTR SFY CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 10.At what level are the Construction claims being settled based on the number of claims?
3 rd QTR SFY CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 11.For projects with final payment during the calendar year, what is the percentage of total project expenditures vs. original construction authorization?
3 rd QTR SFY CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 12a.For projects with final payment during the calendar year, what percent of total project costs were [CE / (TOTAL - CE)] construction engineering expenses on all projects?
3 rd QTR SFY CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 13.For projects with final payment during the calendar year, what was the average number of days per project between on site work complete and final payment for normal Contracts? Year Final# PM# LPM# PM w/CExcluded Excludes projects with plant establishments, unusual labor compliance disputes and projects with non typical disputes preventing final payment.
3 rd QTR SFY Contract Administration 13. Average No of CCOs/EWOs Processed per Project for Projects Finalized (Third Note)
3 rd QTR SFY Contract Administration 13. Average No Materials Exceptions Processed per Project for Projects Finalized (Third Note) NO DATA GATHERED PRIOR TO 2012
3 rd QTR SFY 12 19
3 rd QTR SFY Percent NHS Mileage with IRI < 95 in/mi Data based on FHWA Highway Statistics Series Table HM-47 as collected and reported under the HPMS program data from Oregon HPMS submittal.