1 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 TaxWise Online (TWO) Why we should choose TaxWise Online
2 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 Security, Security, Security No data retention on the computers we use Access with a secure, encrypted website ( Admin ability to assign access rights to individual users
3 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 EASE OF USE No individual installation of software required No updating ever (automatically done) No backup ever (retained on CCH/TaxWise server) No carry forward required (automatic)
4 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 BROADBAND INTERNET Need broadband access with 800 kilobits/sec (test at Can access with any computer with broadband Internet access Just ask your facilities about Internet access. Most facilities can provide this with little problems (however, not wireless). It is easy to network your computers with a router (with a switch connected to expand it) in order to create a separate sub- network with additional security.
5 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 DIFFERENCES WITH DESKTOP The “F keys” do not operate in the Online version. No need for transmit codes or problems with using the same computer at several locations since no data is retained No data is retained on local computers Online Help also offers the ability to go to any other Internet site that you might need while preparing a return
6 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 ADMIN SETUP Setup for each user by name (recommend first initial & last name) Allow for permissions (return preparer, super user, admin & template manager) See the TW CD and Pub 3189 for additional instructions on setup
7 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3
8 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 PERMISSIONS Return Preparer for everyone – They will only be able to see and print returns they have prepared Super User – Use for those Quality Review volunteers and anyone else that needs to see all returns, efile and get acknowledgements Admin – Restrict to a few people to manage the site (reset passwords, etc) Template Manager – To set defaults and should be restricted to one or two people
9 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3
10 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 Access Everyone will use the client ID for the location EFIN/SIDN Each volunteer will need a User Name and Password – Must change every 90 days. Must answer a User set secret question if password must be reset No matter the site your volunteers are working at, they only need to remember the client ID, User Name, & Password
11 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3
12 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 WHAT YOU WILL SEE AFTER YOU SIGN IN The next page gives you access to create the new return and other resources you might need For Admin & Super Users it gives you a list of active returns, rejected returns, accepted returns, ability to efile and get acknowledgements You are also able to move or delete returns
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14 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Jo Eldredge used Online at a 6 day-a- week site from Feb 2 nd thru April 15 th and only had one partial day when TaxWise server was not available – Online is very reliable Due to security issues alone, she expects to have another four sites Online by next season (2009 TY)
15 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 Continued Printing is a little slower operation due to creating a PDF file before printing but not a significant problem Because of being on an active internet connection, they occasionally would have a computer slow down and they would log off and then go back in to get a better connection
16 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 FINISH If you try TaxWise Online, you will never go back to the Desktop version. Again, security & ease of use make the Online software the way to go if you can arrange the broadband Internet connection, which she found was a matter of asking
17 NTC/TCS Training Dallas 2009 modified by HMR for NY3 THANKS