First Time Log In Remy Order Management System
Logging In To log in to the system, enter your User Name and Password, then click Log In The first time you log in to the new site, enter your User Name in lower case letters (case sensitive) as your password. The system will require you to reset your password the first time you log in.
First Login – Terms of Use The system will require you to accept the Terms of Use to continue. Note that re- acceptance of the Terms of Use will be required from time-to-time when you log in. Click Accept Terms to proceed.
First Login – Reset Password After you accept the Terms of Use, the system will require you to reset your password. Enter your answer to the security question then your new password in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields and click Change Password. Note that passwords are case sensitive and both entries must be identical. The security question is used ito verify your identity f you forget your password.
First Log In – Use Your New Password After you have updated your password, the system will require you to immediately re- enter your User Name and the new password. This is to give you the opportunity of using your new password as soon as you change it. Enter your User Name and your new Password, then click Log On
Home Page After the system successfully authenticates your User Name and Password, it will take you to the Home Page. You can perform all system actions beginning from this page. Please refer to the Menu and Home Page materials for more information about the content and operation of the Home Page.
Change Security Information on Demand You can change your password or Q&A at any time from the Home Page or main menu
Accessing the E-Catalog The Remy Order Management System (ROMS) and the Remy Product Catalog (E-Catalog) share a common login. When you log in to one of these systems, you are automatically logged in to the other one. Note: in a future release of the catalog, you will be able to check Price & Availability and even place orders directly from the catalog, thus the usefulness and need for logging in to the catalog. You can navigate to the Remy product catalog at any time from the main menu When you log in, you can choose which system you want to access, whether the Product Catalog or ROMS: From the system assumes you want the Order Management System. From the system assumes you want the catalog. You can over-ride the system’s default selection by clicking on the appropriate radio button before you click Log On.