Identity Automation
Processes that will be automated: Active Directory account - new, change, transfer, terminations Email Account/Address Book Safe Schools Employee Self Service (Not actually automated, but we will process these once a week) Blackboard - account Moodle JPAMS – any exceptions will need CAM – ex. Special Ed Coordinator Horizon – staff will be created – still need CAM for cafe employees (trying to automate) Destiny – staff will be created – still need CAM for Library/Textbook admins, clerical access
Processes that will not be automated (STILL REQUIRE CAM): Munis Access – will also need Munis training Edulog TMA Laserfiche Remote Access JPAMS – permissions exceptions – ex. Special Ed Coordinator Horizon – Cafeteria employees Destiny – Library/Textbook admins, clerical access
URL: Identity Automation – How to Setup Your Account – EXISTING STAFF URL:
You will be prompted to answer at least 3 security questions. NOTE: These questions will be used in the future to allow you to reset your own password.
You will now be logged in to the Rapid Identity portal.
Identity Automation – How to Claim Your Account – NEW STAFF URL:
Click drop-down arrow to select “Staff Claims Policy”
Click Next once “Staff Claims Policy” is selected.
Step 1: You will be prompted to enter identification information (First name, Last name, Employee ID, and Birthdate).
Step 2: You will be prompted to set your new password. The password must contain: at least 8 characters at least three of the following: uppercase letter lowercase letter number special character - do not use any of the following: ‘ “ - = $ ? {apostrophe, double-quote, dash, equal-sign, dollar-sign, and question mark} The password CANNOT contain any part of your username!
Enter your password:
Step 3: You will be provided with your username. Make note of this!
You will be asked to answer at least 3 security questions (same page).
You have completed the process, and are provided with your username again.
Existing Users: To Change Password or To Change Security Questions: If you remember your password, and wish to change password or challenge questions: URL:
Click Profile on Menu at left, then Select “Change Password” or “Update Challenge Responses”.
To reset password if you have forgotten it: URL: Click Forgot My Password button.
Enter your username.
Answer security questions.
Reset your own password.