Culture to promote prosperous communities and peaceful coexistence: Canadian initiatives Fifth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities November 9, 2011
2 Overview The use of culture in promoting prosperous communities and peaceful coexistence Ignite the Americas 2011: Inter-American Year of Culture Canadian Projects during the Inter-American Year of Culture EsArtes Suchitoto-Stratford Project
3 Ignite the Americas Youth Arts Policy Forum, Toronto, Canada, 2008 Engaging vulnerable youth through arts and culture and providing them alternatives to violence Importance of maintaining links with policymakers
4 2011: Inter-American Year of Culture Context Canada’s commitment to the Year Providing lasting impact beyond 2011
5 Canadian Projects during the Inter-American Year of Culture Manifesto: Festival of Community and Culture ( Uniting a community around arts Domestic and international componen t The Remix Project ( 6-month internships for at-risk youth Creative industries and education
6 EsArtes Suchitoto-Stratford Innovative collaboration between CUSO- VSO, Stratford Festival and Suchitoto Historical background Stratford, Canada Rebuilding a local economy around arts Success story Origins of the current project Suchitoto, El Salvador 4-year program debuted in 2010 Initial results
7 November 2011 events Media outreach Outreach to Hemispheric Partners, NGO's, Community Art Groups and local Salvadoran Diaspora Performances and receptions Discussion panels and workshops Goals Economic growth Prevention and reduction of violence EsArtes Suchitoto-Stratford
8 Conclusion Addressing these challenges: Providing lasting impact Continued financial support YouTube Video: