Meditech is the EMR system utilized by St. Mary’s Health Care System and can be accessed remotely from your home/office. If needed, our physician liaison team can help install the portal and can assist with training or troubleshooting. Once an account has been established, there are two steps required for remote access. 1. Logging into the Network/Active Directory (the first screen) 2. Logging into the Meditech (the second log in screen) The biggest challenge is setting, remembering, and changing the passwords, so write them down and keep them safe! Please note that your account is your account alone and is not to be shared. If someone needs access, please contact one of the physician liaisons. DO NOT SHARE ACCOUNTS. Website for Remote Login:
Network Login screen image Network ID: your network ID will begin with either: p!, SM, magp#### or 4 random letters followed by 4 random numbers Temporary password: given to you by a Physician Liaison and prompts change at first use When prompted to change your password, the requirements for your new password are: Must be at least 8 characters Must contain at least one capital letter, but not all capitals Must contain at least one number or special character May not contain your first or last name Network Login TIP for Future Use: Once you are an established user, you will be prompted to change your network password every 90 days. The system will allow you to change it once you click on the Meditech icon, even though it IS for the network! Meditech will allow you to change it AFTER you log into that screen, so please read prompts carefully when resetting passwords.
Password Requirements Your password must meet the following criteria: At least 8 characters long The password contains characters from three of the following four categories: Uppercase letters (A -Z) Lowercase letters (a - z) Numbers (0- 9) Non-alphanumeric characters (For example: !, $, #, ?, }, ^, *, + or %) The password does not contain your account name or your full name You cannot re-use any of the last 24 passwords that you have used before * You may need to wait up to 15 minutes before the password reset takes effect in the system. If you type in the incorrect password 3 times, the system will lock you out for 15 minutes. If you are disabled you will need to call one of the liaisons to help you with your account.
New Step to Enable you to reset your own password! In order to use the “password reset” option on, we are now requiring users to register the accounts prior to the 6 th time logging into the system. It is really easy! Go to and follow the instructions. There are 6 security questions you will have to answer in order to finish the process. Once you finish you will be able to reset your password using those questions and answers!
First Time Logging In: The first time you login, your PC will need to download software. Please answer ‘yes’ or ‘allow’ to any prompts and allow ‘pop-ups’ for this specific web page. You will be prompted to download Active X. The prompt will ‘pop up’ directly under your tool bar at the top of the screen. Please click on the box to download. To create a shortcut on your desktop for this web page: After successfully logging in for the first time, type into your browser Enter Choose Favorites or Bookmarks & select Add To. Rename the site St. Mary’s Remote Access. Then, go back into Favorites/Bookmarks. Right click on the favorite you just added (St. Mary’s Remote Access) Choose Send To…..Desktop. (This will create a shortcut on your desktop.) Network Login
Meditech When you get to this screen, click on the Meditech icon (the green box with the white M). It will take you to the Meditech sign on screen located (shown next).
Meditech Meditech ID: your Meditech ID will have a SM in the front of the ID Temporary password: you will receive this from your Physician Liaison We encourage using the same password for both systems to help make it easier for you.
For training, help, or questions, please contact one of our physician liaisons. Beth Johnston DeeDee Gaines For other instructions and resources, including how to log in remotely from an iPad, or a Mac, or how providers can create or change their PIN, please visit the Provider Portals page on the St. Mary’s website by clicking here or going to professionals/please visit the Provider Portals page professionals/