Beltline Highway ITS – Ramp Metering Project ODOT Planners Meeting April 25, 2012
Beltline ITS Project Background Funded through HB2001: Jobs and Transportation ACT for $2 million Goal: Identify near-term, lower cost ITS treatments to help address existing traffic congestion and safety concerns along the Beltline and Delta Highways. –Ramp Metering –Variable Speed Limits –ITS Integration (VMS Signs, Other Opportunities) Schedule: Implement by Fall 2012
Study Area Examine Beltline Highway from Interstate 5 to Barger Interchange
Study Area Objectives Determine feasibility of ramp metering Document simulated levels of impact to Beltline Highway (with & without ramp metering) Identify conceptual geometric improvements to facilitate ramp metering Estimate construction costs for the preferred metering strategy
Beltline Ramp Metering – System Opportunities and Constraints Heaviest traffic volume between River Road and Delta Highway Focus for Metering Beltline Highway 2008 Average Daily Traffic
Recommended Ramp Meter Locations 2 lanes 1 lane
Ramp Metering Benefits Traffic Operations increased freeway capacity, speeds; reduced travel times and system delay Safety reduced side friction and increased gaps for merging Environmental reduction of stop and go freeway conditions reduces fuel consumption and air pollution * Note ramp metering increases ramp delay & queuing
Ramp Metering Concerns Local System –Beltline Operations vs. Local System Operations Alternate Routes –Had to meter both eastbound ramps to avoid over use and possible impact to River Avenue Environmental –Increased delay & emissions on ramps (offset by savings along freeway)
Westbound Key Outcomes Coburg Road On-Ramp and Green Acres Road On-Ramp P.M. Peak Period: 3:00-6:45 Travel Time Savings ~ 270 Vehicle Hours/Day Total Cost ~ $870,000
Eastbound Key Outcomes River Avenue On-Ramp and River Road On- Ramp A.M. Peak Period: 6:30-9:30 Travel Time Savings ~ 90 Vehicle Hours/Day Total Cost ~ $790,000
Next Steps Ramp Meters Installation Fall 2012 Variable Speeds on Delta Highway (south of Beltline Highway) –Speeds reduced during peak periods –Safety benefit –Need additional funding –Need Enforcement