CS 3370
C++ allows multiple implementation inheritance Handy for multiple “is-a” situations Handy for reusing implementation without “is-a” Leads to C++’s Darkest Corner (IMHO) Inheritance “hierarchy” becomes a DAG Ambiguities galore! Complicated rules
Invented with Common Lisp (“Flavors”) Clients inherit implementation to gain a capability Printable, Storable, etc. Mixin classes are often abstract Provides most but not all of feature You override virtual function(s) to complete the feature A Mixin that itself happens to derive from another class should do so via virtual inheritance (described later) See AbleTest.cpp
Suppose we have the proverbial Shape hierarchy Circle, Triangle, etc. If there is common code to all shapes, you can put it in Shape If it is common to only some, keep it a secret Don’t have it derive from Shape See next slide…
class Shape {…}; class Common {…}; class Logo : public Shape {…}; class Circle : public Shape, protected Common {…}; class Triangle: public Shape, protected Common {…};
A derived object has a subobject for each base class data duplication! Name clashes possible Possible duplicate data via “diamond” inheritance Examples: upcast.cpp, delta.cpp, ambiguous.cpp
The derived class holds a pointer to the base subobject It is not inherited by value Only one subobject exists in the complete object Therefore, there is no ambiguity in casting to the top-level class
There must be no ambiguity in name lookup If multiple base classes contain the same member names, you have a problem If a member function, you can override it and do the Right Thing If a data member, you must use “::” And they must still be accessible Examples: ambiguous2.cpp, disambiguate.cpp
A fancy name for the way virtual functions work The “most-derived” binding applies B::f dominates A::f if A is a (direct or indirect) base class of B Non-virtual functions work the same way for consistency
What if a D object calls f( ) via a pointer?
How do you initialize a virtual base? With diamond inheritance, there are multiple paths to the shared base Which intermediate class is responsible?
None! There’s no criterion for choosing It is always initialized, therefore, by the most derived class Other initializations are ignored, but must be supplied by every derived concrete class This makes for weird, but necessary code See next slides
All virtual bases are initialized before non- virtual bases No matter where they are In top-down-left-to-right order Subobjects are never initialized twice So the compiler has a lot of work to do to keep track of things
What is the order of initialization for G g; ? (See virtinit2.cpp)
Affects copy constructors and assignment operators Copy constructors work okay Most-derived class must still take care of virtual base, similar to initialization example Assignment operators are different! They are not inherited You must control all sub-assignments explicitly! Examples: assignment.cpp, virtassign*.cpp