Better worlds through database protection SAFETY MATTERS
Don’t forget to write
First line of defense Better worlds through database protection Image courtesy of Colonial Marines
Better worlds through database protection Statistics suggest that ne·far·i·ous activities involving your database occur… MOSTLY AT NIGHT... MOSTLY… EVEN WHEN IT’S RAINING…
SLEEP BETTER FOLLOWING SOME BASIC RULES Better worlds through database protection
1: Check and reset settings using the Auto Exec macro 2: Hide the Database window 3: Bypass the bypass 4: Split the database Better worlds through database protection 5: Avoid Compact On Close Simple ways to add a few layers of security to a database
6: Hide objects — a subtle form of protection 7: Use error handling to protect code 8: Password-protect the database 9: Convert to mde or accde format 10: Password-protect the system Better worlds through database protection
When all else fails locate and contact this woman LT. ELLEN RIPLEY Don’t panic and lose your head like this unfortunate synthetic life form POINTS TO REMEMBER She may not save you but she can certainly save your database
This concludes the presentation