Excellent care with compassion Encouraging a culture of curiousity- the Rosemere experience Christina Robinson Research Radiographer Rosemere Cancer Centre, Lancashire, UK
Excellent care with compassion Outline: Introducing the team Background & rationale Research Champions Summary & questions Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?
Excellent care with compassion Rosemere Cancer Centre:
Excellent care with compassion Rationale for research champions: NHS commitment to research and innovation Personal interest in organisational culture and involvement in regional/ national work plans NIHR continuous improvement programme- can we make better use of existing resources? Rapid increase in clinical trial participation- without increase in research radiographer/ physics funding. Need for local translation. Historical success but requirement to adapt in order to sustain
Excellent care with compassion Refreshing the vision : Aspiration A cooperative approach to research from all clinical staff Informal mentorship for any clinical staff who want it Emphasis on clinical application to maximise patient/ service benefit Encourage, motivate, inspire Reality Research activity confined to specialist staff No protected time for research Limited funding opportunities for further secondment Lack of confidence about research
Excellent care with compassion Research culture :
Excellent care with compassion Advertise Visual management Advertise to all therapy radiographers and assistant practitioners Invite expressions of interest Field queries Build team Initial meeting- selling the vision Roles and responsibilities Safe environment pledge Potential gains Freedom to withdraw Begin.. Identify tasks Agree on communication methods/ frequency Commitment to participate in feedback Monitor, review and adapt as a team (co-ownership)
Excellent care with compassion Want to get more involved in the clinical application of research? Can you generate ideas? Would you like to gain research experience? If so, we are looking for Research Champions! Please send a letter of interest by 18 June to Helen Clements and Christina Robinson. Informal enquiries welcome in advance.
Excellent care with compassion
What did we do? Presentation skills Develop own research ideas Abstract writing Research skills workshops Regional & network meeting attendance CRF completion Patient queries Abstract writing Meeting management Trial feasibility assessments Abstract writing Policy & procedure review Practical involvement in pre-trial QA Journal clubMeeting management
Excellent care with compassion
Stakeholder quotes- how did we do? “Increased knowledge and confidence in dealing with research protocols” “Learnt about funding opportunities which would be available if we wanted to do research” “Found the growing your own research documents useful to develop my own research proposal” “Confident to ask questions and find answers” “Improved skills such as academic writing and presenting”
Excellent care with compassion What would we change? “In an ideal world… allocate protected time, more dedicated resource (space, PCs etc.)” “Allow more attendance at events/training/ meetings” “Provide structured one to one mentorship” “Get everyone involved, encourage more people to get research active”
Excellent care with compassion Refreshing the vision : Aspiration A cooperative approach to research from all clinical staff Informal mentorship for any clinical staff who want it Emphasis on clinical application to maximise patient/ service benefit Encourage, motivate, inspire Reality Research activity confined to specialist staff No protected time for research Limited funding opportunities for further secondment Lack of confidence about research
Excellent care with compassion In conclusion: Did we achieve what we set out to? when/ how do we measure? how do we attribute success to scheme? Will we continue?
Excellent care with compassion Any questions? Thank you for listening Huge thanks to the research champions who made this possible. Acknowledgement to Rosemere Cancer Centre radiotherapy team and the NIHR continuous improvement programme