HiP Culture: Your Key To Freedom In Business
My Heretical Idea You deserve to be :
It is the behaviours the incentives the symbols and the systems that reveal the values of the organization What is Culture?
HiP Culture = “Nice” Culture
A HiP Culture Will Have Greater… Speed Accountability Rigour Simplicity Collaboration Attractiveness Innovation Productivity
Prospects/ Customers Potential Employees Culture Suppliers
With Growth Comes Chaos Growth Mistakes and chaos
With Growth Comes Chaos Growth
Flight Risk:
Payroll $ Wasted 23%
Shrinking Labour Market:
Perceptions of Integrity
Top 24 Comparison Performance Enhancing Culture Non-Performance Enhancing Culture Revenue Growth682%166% Employment Growth 282%36% Stock Price Growth901%74% Profit Growth756%1%
As compared to “non-producers”: Unskilled Average =19% more output Superior = 38% more Skilled Average= 32% more Superior=64% more Mgmt/Professionals Average= 49% more Superior= 96% more The Cost of Average...
SalaryPoint spread # in category Cost Unskilled$24, $18,240 Skilled$35, $33,600 Mgmt/Prof$60, $57,600 $109,440
ENGAGEMENT Quality of Life Rookie Victim Bystander Champion
3 Happiest Events
Challenge Connection Contribution Quality of Life Mastery Purpose Appreciation Congruency
Decisions & Actions Questions Beliefs and Values Experience, Education, Environment
The Path
AssessExecuteDefine Monitor/ Refine
Objective Understand state of culture Learn the source of messaging Assess receptivity to change Benchmark Avoid “another initiative that will die” syndrome Go/No Go
Q1: Your Limits
Q2: What Are The Unwritten Rules Meeting discipline (in)Formality Accountability Customer relations Dealing with change Systems Dress Hours Work life balance Quality Standards …
Q3: What Priorities Do You Communicate?
What Are Your Defining Stories?
Is That HiP?
Option 1: Consultants
Option 2: Assess and Impact
Pick Your Principles
Performance Marketing Results driven Innovation Leadership Team Communication Event Planning Pride Gratitude Fun Trust Relationships Positivity Dedication
Behaviours Reflect Values Harmony => Avoid “tough” conversations Authenticity => Only sell what’s right Customer focus => seek input of front line Accountability => Ask for and follow up on commitments Sucking up => favouritism unrelated to performance or potential Discipline/Focus => Saying no
Values Definitions
Values Hierarchy
2 Approaches Announce and Then Build Awesome for small Sustains momentum Engages team in build Allows for growth BUT Inconsistent systems, symbols and incentives Must exhibit new values while building them Build and Then Announce Alignment exists pre launch Shows seriousness Communications and mgmt are coordinated BUT Long lag time Lack of ongoing engagement Can become a “task”
Incentives Beware unintended incentives & consequences Not just $: – Security – Recognition – Quality work – Remove “crappy” work – Perks What’s “punished” (or not)
Recognize Values Lived
Culture Hacking
Take On A “Help The World” Program
Peer Bulletin Board
Real Time Feedback
Energizer Rituals
Why So Serious?
Hire/Fire on Culture
Raising The Game Education Investment Book of the month Coach for the team Empty chair in meetings Involve team in hiring Cross-dep’tal initiatives Workations Each employee interacts w. customers Senior people have “shifts” for Q&A Pet project time 1x/month community project “Support a dream” Anniversary yearbooks Monday Breakfast/Friday drinks
AssessExecuteDefine Monitor/ Refine