Parents’ Meeting Year 6
Did you know- Children spend less than 15% of their waking hours in school
Pupil-Parent Responsibility Children should arrive in time Children should arrive in time Complete work to the best of their ability Complete work to the best of their ability Doing corrections is a vital part of learning Doing corrections is a vital part of learning Homework diaries are checked every night Homework diaries are checked every night Attendance at school Attendance at school
WHY ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOL IS SO IMPORTANT Excellent attendance at school is important to allow a child or young person to fulfil their potential. Every single day a child is absent from school equates to a day of lost learning. Attendance percentages can be misleading.
100% Attendance0 Days MissedExcellent 95% Attendance9 Days of Absence 1 Week and 4 Days of Learning Missed Satisfactory 90% Attendance19 Days of Absence 3 Weeks and 4 Days of Learning Missed Poor 85% Attendance28 Days of Absence 5 Weeks and 3 Days of Learning Missed Very Poor 80% Attendance38 Days of Absence 7 Weeks and 3 Days of Learning Missed Unacceptable 75% Attendance46 Days of Absence 9 Weeks and 1 Day of Learning Missed Unacceptable
For some parents, 90% may seem like an acceptable level of attendance, but the reality is that 90% attendance means that your child will miss half a school day each week or 19 days of school during the school year – that’s nearly 4 school weeks.
DENI are monitoring attendance much more closely than ever before. Each month the EA Western Area EWO (Educational Welfare Officer) visits the school to monitor attendance. Therefore during the year if you child hits any of the above attendance levels you will be informed so you too are aware of how much learning time this equates to.DENI are monitoring attendance much more closely than ever before. Each month the EA Western Area EWO (Educational Welfare Officer) visits the school to monitor attendance. Therefore during the year if you child hits any of the above attendance levels you will be informed so you too are aware of how much learning time this equates to.
What your child needs - 30 cm ruler 30 cm ruler Colouring pencils Colouring pencils Scissors Scissors Pritt Stick Pritt Stick Blue or black Berol pen Blue or black Berol pen Dictionary Dictionary Sharpener Sharpener Red or green pen Red or green pen Year 6 booklet Year 6 booklet
Homework All homework must be signed – written, Homework diary (Thur) All homework must be signed – written, Homework diary (Thur) Homework is an extension of classwork, which helps to reinforce and consolidate knowledge and skills Homework is an extension of classwork, which helps to reinforce and consolidate knowledge and skills Encourage children to take responsibility for bringing the appropriate books, P.E. kits and equipment to school Encourage children to take responsibility for bringing the appropriate books, P.E. kits and equipment to school
Homework each night consists of- Set reading from reading book Set reading from reading book Spellings – practice book Spellings – practice book Tables or a Learning Exercise Tables or a Learning Exercise Maths, English or WAU written work Maths, English or WAU written work Sometimes a game or investigation Sometimes a game or investigation
Helping with homework Don’t rush in to help when your child struggles with an activity – encourage them to keep trying Don’t rush in to help when your child struggles with an activity – encourage them to keep trying Break tasks into smaller chunks that can be tackled one at a time Break tasks into smaller chunks that can be tackled one at a time Help children understand mistakes are alright provided we learn from them Help children understand mistakes are alright provided we learn from them TURN CAN’T INTO CAN TURN CAN’T INTO CAN
Did you know…. That your attitude to learning is the strongest influence on how successful a learner your child becomes…… That your attitude to learning is the strongest influence on how successful a learner your child becomes……
Literacy Take your child to the library, books, audio tapes. magazines e.g. Young Scientist etc Take your child to the library, books, audio tapes. magazines e.g. Young Scientist etc Listen to your child preparing their class reading. Check that they can pronounce words correctly. Listen to your child preparing their class reading. Check that they can pronounce words correctly. Encourage them to read all forms of reading e.g. fiction, non-fiction, poetry, comics, plays etc Encourage them to read all forms of reading e.g. fiction, non-fiction, poetry, comics, plays etc
Have conversations with your child, discuss newspaper headlines, current affairs Have conversations with your child, discuss newspaper headlines, current affairs Encourage your child to watch “Newsround” Encourage your child to watch “Newsround” Play games – Scrabble, Taboo, Crosswords, Wordsearches to extend and enhance vocabulary Play games – Scrabble, Taboo, Crosswords, Wordsearches to extend and enhance vocabulary If a reluctant or struggling reader- use audio tapes or read to them – the secret is discussing what you have read e.g. how were different feelings conveyed? If a reluctant or struggling reader- use audio tapes or read to them – the secret is discussing what you have read e.g. how were different feelings conveyed?
Numeracy Addition and subtraction facts alongside multiplication and division tables must be known- they are the basis of all Maths functions Addition and subtraction facts alongside multiplication and division tables must be known- they are the basis of all Maths functions Mathematical facts are equally as important (e.g. time, weight, capacity, volume, area etc) Mathematical facts are equally as important (e.g. time, weight, capacity, volume, area etc) Children must always show their working out Children must always show their working out
Encourage mental arithmetic by getting child to work out change from £5.00, if sale goods have 20% off etc Encourage mental arithmetic by getting child to work out change from £5.00, if sale goods have 20% off etc Play games with them e.g. Uno, Battleships, Connect 4. Yahztee Play games with them e.g. Uno, Battleships, Connect 4. Yahztee Investigations/games from school are equally as important as written or learning homework Investigations/games from school are equally as important as written or learning homework
Learning Styles visual auditory kinaesthetic
PATHS® Curriculum Key Stage 2
Barnardo’s NI Barnardo’s NI aims to provide children and young people with a brighter future through the social and emotional learning curriculum (PATHS).
What is PATHS®? P romoting A lternative Th inking S trategies A highly recognised Social and Emotional learning programme which covers the PDMU curriculum. ( With the exception of the health and safety aspect, as this is not fully explicit.) Whole school Curriculum with 5 Key Concepts: ―Self-Esteem ―Emotional Understanding ―Self-Control ―Social Problem-Solving ―Peer Relationships
Find Out More To support us in implementing PATHS® we have a PATHS® Coach from Barnardo’s NI- Lindsay McSparron. Lindsay will be with us in October to share more about the programme. Date in October to be confirmed. You can also find out more via the PATHS® Website, Facebook and Twitter pages.
Computer Based Assessment Replaced INCAs Replaced INCAs Completed two years ago, no formal feedback was given. Completed two years ago, no formal feedback was given. Maths/English - NINA and NILA Maths/English - NINA and NILA No revision required No revision required Completed end of September Completed end of September Feedback- for school use only. Feedback- for school use only.
Did you know…. If your child has low confidence or self- esteem it’s like driving through life with the handbrake on? If your child has low confidence or self- esteem it’s like driving through life with the handbrake on?
Swimming PATHS Pals Artist
Castlewellan Residential Centre May 2016 May 2016
Transfer Procedure New format AQE New format AQE Meeting in January/February to discuss procedure Meeting in January/February to discuss procedure We will discuss with individual parents in February/March parent meetings We will discuss with individual parents in February/March parent meetings Don’t stress out now!! Don’t stress out now!!
Thank –You