Welcome to Back to School Night 10 th grade World History Mrs. Radak Student teacher: Ms. Walburn Thank you for attending! I am looking forward to a great year!
My contact info ex is preferred!
What are we learning??? Brief summary of Greece & Rome Examine the roots of Democracy Renaissance & Reformation French Revolution Industrial Revolution WWI WWII The Cold War
Grading 10% scale Below 59% = Failing grade Late work Depends on circumstance Usually less than half credit Make-up work Thur. at lunch 2 week period Extra Credit Aeries I assume parents are checking and that personal info is up to date IEP’s
Behavior Expectations Standard No Gum! Lunchtime trash detail Discipline Classroom disobedience/ misconduct Incident 1: hours, parent contact Incident 2: hours/referral, parent conference, class suspension or contract Incident 3: Dropped from class Attendance: No more than 8 tardies No more than 12 absences
Classroom Supplies Necessary: Lined paper Pens and pencils Happy to accept: Hand sanitizer Office supplies Index cards Kleenex Sm individual wrapped candies Any history related material
Movies and Fieldtrips Permission Possible trips Communication Funding/cost