Back-to-School Night
Back-to-School Night Agenda Newton Rayzor’s mission statement About me What is IB? Class schedule Supplies needed this year Field Trips Classroom management Grading and Homework policy Support services offered at Newton Rayzor Carrico Communications General Information
School Mission We will empower all learners to be self-motivated, internationally-minded participants in a global society.
All About Me…..
My Family…..
What is IB? In international education we are guided by 3 level of relationships: How human beings relate to each other How they relate to a culture How they relate to their shared humanity. “It is making sense of these relationships, the personal, the cultural and the universal, that is the challenge to international education.” -George Walker, 2003
The Learner Profile
Attitudes The attitudes are what we want the students to feel in order to become more like the student profile.
Action How do we want the students to act?
Programme of Inquiry The programme of inquiry (POI), together with the Denton I.S.D.’s subject-based scope and sequence, provides a comprehensive, well- balanced curriculum.
Key Concepts Form: What is it like? Function: How does it work? Causation: Why is it like it is? Change: How is it changing? Connection: How is it connected to other things? Perspective: What are the points of view? Reflection: How do we know? Responsibility: What is our responsibility?
Transdisciplinary Skills What transdisciplinary skills do we want the students to possess? Social Skills Research Skills Communication Skills Self-management Skills Thinking Skills
“Above all, in summary, a PYP classroom is an intelligent place. It is a place where the easy option is seldom sought and where expectations are high. It is an environment in which learning knows no limits.” Making the PYP Happen, 2007
Class Schedule 7:35-7:50 Morning Work 7:50-8:00 Morning Announcements 8:00-10:25 Transdisciplinary Studies 10:25-11:25 Guided Reading 11:25-11:55 Lunch 11:55-12:10 Recess 12:10-12:45 Transdisciplinary Studies 12:45-1:45 Math 1:50-2:40 Special Areas 2:50 Dismissal
School Supplies Second Grade #2 pencils (24) 2 facial tissue (large box) 3 writing tablets* (second grade) 1 pkg. dry erase markers 1 pkg. wide-rule fi ller paper (200 count) 1 bottle white glue (washable, 8 oz.) 4 glue sticks 1 12x18 pkg. of white paper 1 12x18 pkgs. Manila or white paper (50 count) 1 12x18 Asst. construction paper (50 count) 2 spiral notebooks Waxed crayons (24 count) Scissors (sharp point) Colored pencils (12 count - long) School box (prefer plastic) 3 pocket folders with brads 2 composition books 1 box of washable markers 2 Large erasers 1 box “ziploc - freezer-type” bags — quart or gallon size 1 box Wipes (ie: Clorox or baby wipes)
Field Trips We would love your assistance on field trips! Please be sure to fill out all volunteer forms and submit a background check if you plan to attend.
Classroom Management The first day of school the class will establish essential agreements that will be posted and utilized all year. Our goal will be to create a classroom that is committed to ensuring that students exhibit the IB attitudes and learner profiles. If a student is having a hard time keeping the agreements we will communicate with the student and parents in an effort to come up with a plan that ensures student success. We believe communication is the key to a successful year!
Grading / Homework
Support Services offered at Newton Rayzor IB Coordinator: Mrs. Gavilanes Nurse: Nurse Nan Counselor: Mrs. Horsch Librarian: Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Ayers Expo: Ms. Boodt Reading Specialist: Mrs. McWilliams Speech Teachers: Mrs. MacMillan (Spanish) and Mrs. Fisher Dyslexia Teacher: Mrs. Kirkland Bridge Builder Coordinator: Mrs. Gavilanes CIS Coordinator: Ms. Lomeli
NRE Family Handbook Daily Schedule Specials Schedule Student Essential Agreements Carrico Communication B.O.B. Being Organized Binder
Carrico Communications Dr. Carrico will be sending home a Carrico Communication each week in the Be Organized Binder (BOB). It will contain important information, so please make it a point to read carefully!
Communication is Key Broadtexter s Phone calls Newsletters
General Information Lost and Found PTA – join, join, join! Eating lunch with your child, will be on the stage this year. No other students will be allowed to eat with you and your child. Change in dismissal
Thank You ….. For coming tonight For entrusting your child to me It is going to be a great year!