MIE- ONV- EDS1 Std. I & II Support materials for National Literacy/Numeracy Project O.N. Varma Senior Lecturer, Education Studies Dept 2003 Copyright: This material can be downloaded and freely distributed for use in the classroom by any teacher. It cannot be used for publication in any form or for any commercial purpose Std. I & II Support materials for National Literacy/Numeracy Project Helping children to communicate simple ideas around a particular theme
MIE- ONV- EDS2 Learning outcome Pupils: Respond to questions, instructions, statements and narratives, characterized by simple language structures, brevity, familiarity and predictability. Use a small range of strategies to adjust communication in familiar situations Aim To communicate simple ideas around a particular theme: the family
MIE- ONV- EDS3 1. Use pictures to identify themes around the family 2. Cut and paste pictures to reconstruct a family. 3.Describe pictures orally and convey idea of the family through the collage. 4.Write out words for different members of the family. 3. Engage in simple conversation on the theme. 5. Write simple words. 6. Construct a sentence to convey an idea about the family. Lower ability Average ability Higher ability Objectives
MIE- ONV- EDS4 Materials Prior to lesson teacher makes a collection of pictures of various members of the family. Bristol Sheet Glue Colour pencils
MIE- ONV- EDS5 Procedure Pupils are guided to look at a number of pictures and to construct a family with the various characters in the picture. glue the pictures on a sheet- Bristol Describe what they see in the picture Write out a few words at the bottom of the sheet in order to illustrate the pictures.
MIE- ONV- EDS6 Activities Draw own family- (Individual) Write a few words about the drawing- (shared) Write a sentence at the bottom of each completed work. (shared) This is my Family My family consists of: ____________________________ Teachers must have a format ready for each child- It can be an A4 paper. A model is displayed for the class on Bristol sheet
MIE- ONV- EDS7 Allow pupils to write out a sentence about the family. Teacher corrects and pupils rewrite. My family My SentenceTeacher’s column My good sentence
MIE- ONV- EDS8 Teaching students with difficulties Here is a model for teaching children identify and write words on their own: Materials: 1.Cards- two colours- Blue- Red 2.Coloured markers
MIE- ONV- EDS9 Alphabet Cards- cut and separate in sufficient numbers. ABCDEF GHIJKL MNOPQR
MIE- ONV- EDS10 Alphabet cards STUVWX YZ
MIE- ONV- EDS11 Activity Writing words –Pupils are presented with the cards below- the blue one in one strip and the red ones separately –Instruction: See next slide MTHR AEIOUY
MIE- ONV- EDS12 Notes on instructions: Instruction: must be clear and very precise. Pupils must be clear about what they are expected to do. It is good to make the child tell you the instruction he has received from you in his own words before he starts any activity. See model:
MIE- ONV- EDS13 Teacher: I am giving you this strip of card with a few words written on it. Show the card clearly to the pupils. It will look like this: MTHR Let us read the letters on the card. You read it and make a child read it after you so as to ascertain that he is understanding. See the blank spaces. This space is not filled. You will now have to play an alphabet game for me.
MIE- ONV- EDS14 I am also giving you these alphabets on red cards. Let us read them one by one. You will now choose an alphabet and place it in the blank space on the blue strip so as to complete the word. Let me show you how I do it… AEI OUY Demonstrate to the class and then set the children to do other similar activities. See some more examples below
MIE- ONV- EDS16 These are more difficult ones.. To be tried after the child becomes accustomed with simple ones.. NCL NT
MIE- ONV- EDS17 Follow up Get students to stick and display the words on a bristol sheet Follow up activity: Make children conscious of the fact that a word needs a vowel to be complete Method: Use the Inductive & Discovery approach You have already started this exercise… Carry on….
MIE- ONV- EDS18 Discovering the use of vowels Note: This a different aspect- not necessarily the objective of this lesson. Ask students to look at the different words and tell you about the Red Alphabets They must be brought to see that without a red alphabet a word is incomplete. You can remove them and ask students if the word is complete. Teacher shows other words in blue and ask if they are complete. Invite them to choose from the red to complete the words.
MIE- ONV- EDS19 In the end you tell them that these words are called Vowels. Even if they are not well accustomed to this ‘difficult’ word, write a VOWEL on a Bristol sheet and the 6 vowels on top- see specimen:
MIE- ONV- EDS20 Vowels AEIOUY You can use this chart to allow students post words underlying the vowel- stick with glue or blue tac. Visibly displayed in class M o t h e r B r o t h e r
MIE- ONV- EDS21 Oral & Writing activities: Pupils are invited to: 1. Create pictures, either their own or collage 2. Talk about their family 3. Write sentences: –This is my______ I have brothers I have sister/s (stating number or ‘no’)