School Unit 1 Lesson 1
Unit 1 Objectives Students will learn the names of classmates. Students will listen for sounds, rhythm. Students will be introduced to the alphabet. Students will practice making straight lines.
Warming Up Use one or both of warm-ups Names Put on your name necklace and point to your name. Now hold up a students name necklace and see if they recognize their name. Have the students put the necklace on and say their name.
Warming Up Use one or both of warm-ups Where Is __________? Teach students the song “Are You Sleeping? “Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John. Morning bells are ringing. Ding, ding, dong. Ding, ding, dong.” (Sing several times. Explain to the students you are going to teach them a new version.
Warming Up Use one or both of warm-ups Where Is _________? Teacher: Where is ________? Where is _________: Student: Here I am! Here I am! Everyone: Hello to you, _______. We are glad to see you. Take a bow.
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Listening Listening for Sounds Students sit with eyes closed and listen for sounds in the room. Make some sounds Repeat each students answer in a complete sentence. “John heard the sounds of a ____.”
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Feeling the Rhythm Teach students the rhyme: Polly put the kettle onSukey take it off again We’ll all have teaThey’ve all gone away (Sing the song and replace Polly and Sukey with a student’s name. Have students clap each time they hear the names.)
Alphabetic Knowledge Letter Names Alphabet Song Point to the row of alphabet cards Ask students why it is so important to know the alphabet. Help them understand that words are made up of the letters of the alphabet. Tell the students they are going to learn the alphabet song and that this version is a little different from other versions they may already know. Have students listen as you sing and play the song.
Alphabetic Knowledge Alphabet Song ABCDEFG (pause) HIJKLMN (pause) OPQ (pause) RST (pause) UVW (pause) XYZ (pause)
Alphabetic Knowledge Alphabet Song A B C D E F G
Alphabetic Knowledge Alphabet Song H I J K L M N
Alphabetic Knowledge Alphabet Song O P Q
Alphabetic Knowledge Alphabet Song R S T
Alphabetic Knowledge Alphabet Song U V W
Alphabetic Knowledge Alphabet Song X Y Z
Alphabetic Knowledge Alphabet Song Now I never will forget How to say the alphabet.
Alphabetic Knowledge Letter Shapes Introduce students to basic strokes needed to form letters: straight lines, slanting lines, curves, and circles. Up-and-Down Lines Have students mimic your strokes in the air and then on blank paper Across Lines Have students mimic your strokes in the air and then on blank paper Guided Practice –Kindergarten Blackline Master 1
Reading the Big Book Pickled Peppers Introduce the Big Book Point out the front and back covers, explaining that the name and title are on the cover. Open the book and explain that words and pictures are between the covers. “I’m a Little Teapot,” pages 6-7
Reading & Response Objectives: Students will listen attentively to a Read Aloud selection. Students will ask appropriate questions.
Reading & Response Focus Questions: What is different about Chrysanthemum’s name? How does someone help Chrysanthemum? Read Aloud: “Chrysanthemum”