With Host... Your
Sight WordsInitial Sounds Syllable ClappingRhyming Alphabet Stories Anything
Use these two words in a sentence. smallthe A 10
Answers will vary. A 10
How many sight words are in the following sentence? What can you see in the pot? A 20
6 what can you see in the A 20
What are these sight words? and big have this who A 30
andbighave thiswho A 30
Use these three sight words in a sentence. hehasa A 40
Answers will vary. A 40
Name our two sight words that have only one letter each. A 50
What is the initial sound in the word lap? B 10
/l/ B 10
Look at the picture and say the name of object to yourself. What is the initial sound? B 20
/d/ B 20
Name the friends in our class whose names begin with the initial sound / /. B 30
Students names B 30
What is the initial sound in the word pumpkin? B 40
/p/ B 40
Look at the picture and say the name of the object to yourself. What is the initial sound? B 50
/b/ B 50
Look at the picture and clap it quietly to yourself. How many syllables are in the word? C 10
cat 1 C 10
What word has 5 syllables: hippopotamus or rhinoceros? C 20
Hippopotamus C 20
Look at the picture and decide how many syllables are in the word. C 30
u mbrella 3 C 30
How many syllables in the word vegetables? C 40
Name two friends in our class that have two syllables in their names. C 50
Students names C 50
What are two words that rhyme with dog? D 10
loghogfog bogfrogcog D 10
Did you ever see a bee sitting on a _______? D 20
kneetreefleapea D 20
What are the rhyming words in the poem “Jack Be Nimble?” Jack be nimble, Jack be quick. Jack jump over the candlestick. D 30
quickcandlestick D 30
What song do we sing that helps us practice rhyming? D 40
Down by the Bay D 40
The ship is loaded with cheese. The ship is loaded with _____. D 50
Answers will vary. D 50
What is the alphabet story for the letter “Dd?” E 10
Dancing dino, dancing dino, /d/ /d/ /d/. E 10
What is the alphabet story for the letter “Oo?” E 20
Sick fox, sick fox, /o/ /o/ /o/. E 20
What is the alphabet story for the letter “Tt?” E 30
Ticking timer, ticking timer, /t/ /t/ /t/. E 30
What is the alphabet story for the letter “Mm?” E 40
Munching monkey, munching monkey, /m/ /m/ /m/. E 40
What are the alphabet stories for the letters “Ss” and “Pp?” E 50
Sizzling sausages, sizzling sausages, /s/ /s/ /s/. Popping popcorn, popping popcorn, /p/ /p/ /p/. E 50
Tell me all the sounds you hear in the word top. F 10
/t/ /o/ /p/ F 10
What does the author of a story do? F 20
He writes the words. F 20
What is this mark called and what does it mean? … F 30
Ellipse more to follow F 30
The word is pot. The new ending sound is /p/. What is the new word? F 40
pop F 40
The vowel song helps us remember the names of the vowels. Please sing it for us now. F 50
I can name the vowels for you, and you can name them, too. aeio u And you can name them, too. F 50
The Final Jeopardy Category is: spelling Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
Look at the picture and then write the word on your chalkboard. Good luck! Click on screen to continue
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