Embedded Systems Design Academic Curriculum Sharing Across Ibero-America Andres F. Marquez Ivan Vanegas Ramiro Jordan Wilfrido A. Moreno 10/10/2012
Outline Description. Motivation. Initiatives. – Digital Library Linkages. – Advanced Continuing Education. – Research and Development – Los Libertadores Rapid System Prototyping Course. Conclusions. 10/10/2012
Description Research and development initiative by ISTEC, USF, and UNM to create community of universities to share academic resources related to STEM areas in Latin America. Dissemination of knowledge, technology transfer, entrepreneurship and collaboration. Network to promote integration between academia, government, industry and society. 10/10/2012
Motivation Limited access to education and professional opportunities in Latin American countries creates long-lasting quality of life inequalities. ISTEC fosters socio-economic development: – Advance the state of higher education in STEM. – Joint international content generation. – Strengthen social responsibility. – Leadership models of accountability. 10/10/2012
Digital Library Linkages (LibLink) Integrate institutions that provide bibliographical services by sharing library resources. Information management. Digital repositories provide free access to: – Materials. – Magazines. – Books. 10/10/2012
Advance Continuing Education (ACE) Enhancement of curricula, accreditation, distance learning. Use of current technology platforms for educational process. Double degree programs encourage intellectual interaction among academic institutions. 10/10/2012
Research and Development (R&D) Transfer of technology by developing R&D labs to enhance interaction between industry and academia in order to nurture innovation. It Improves the ability for the latest technology to be applied to the resolution of problems with social and economic impact. Academic training centers for professional development series (PDS). 10/10/2012
Research and Development (R&D) Training centers provide an opportunity for engineers to adopt emerging technologies, and create effective communication networks. Chosen Academic members for PDS: – Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), Ecuador. – Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ), Cali, Colombia. 10/10/2012
ISTEC-Motorola Model Build laboratories in Ibero-American region. 172 labs were installed in academic institutions using Motorola’s CPUs and DSPs. From 1992 to 2005, over 600,000 students have taken hands-on classes in these labs. Microelectronics and nanotechnology design center (CEITEC) was a joint venture among the Government of Brazil, Motorola, and industry. 10/10/2012
Educació n Bioingeniería Energía Cyber Systems Salud Nanotecnologí a
Cyber-Physical Systems Embedded Systems Automation & Control/Robotics
Mechatronic Control Systems “Mechatronic Engineering is the synergist combination of Electronic, Mechanical, Controls and Computer Engineering to create a useful product” Aerial Venn diagram from RPI's website describes the various fields that make up MechatronicsVenn diagramRPI
Integrated Electrical Engineering Laboratory Platform From: Theory to Design, Simulation, Prototyping and Deployment
Integrated Electrical Engineering Laboratory Platform DMM Oscilloscope Function Generator Generator ARBDSA Bode Analyzer Analyzer Power Supply Supply NI ELVIS is… ElectronicsLogic Design AC / DC Circuits Linear ControlsMicroelectronicsCommunicationsEmbedded Systems Microprocessors
Integrated Electrical Engineering Laboratory Platform NI ELVIS Complete Process
Integrated Electrical Engineering Laboratory Platform
Embedded Systems “A Knowledge Community”
Rapid System Prototyping Course System prototyping using VHDL and FPGAs. PLD, CPLD and FPGA architecture overview. System design, simulation and implementation using Xilinx software and a Spartan-3E development kit. Register transfer level design. Regular sequential circuit design. Industry trends in FPGAs and prototyping. 10/10/2012
Development Tools Design creation: Source files, design modules. Synthesis: Architecture-specific design netlist. Simulation: Verify functionality of design. Constraints entry: Specify timing, placement. Implementation: Create physical file format. Implementation analysis: Analyze performance. Device configuration: Programming file. 10/10/2012
Conclusions ISTEC has partnered with academic institutions and industry to provide sustainable socio-economic development in Ibero-America. ISTEC has developed initiatives that create activities to address specific areas of research, social, pedagogical, informational, and technological impact. “Social Impact” via Science and Technology – Education Eduaction 10/10/2012
Conclusions The rapid system prototyping class introduces FPGA-based system design. Class structure and resources have been adapted to improve the interaction and learning experience. At the University of New Mexico, work is in progress with the Albuquerque Public Schools system to implement Xilinx's Spartan-3E Starter Kit based laboratories in selected high schools. 10/10/2012
Questions? Thank you 10/10/2012
References (1) A. Marquez, R. Jordan, and W. Moreno. Experiences Teaching a Rapid System Prototyping Class. IberchipXVIII. March 2012, pp (2) Moodle, May (3) ISTEC, “About ISTEC” May (4) ISTEC, “Creating Sinergy in the Region” content/uploads/2010/08/Creando-Sinergia-en-la-region.pdf, May 2012 (5) CEITEC, (6) La Plazita Institute. (7) P. P. Chu, FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples. Wiley-Interscience, first ed., (8) P. P. Chu, RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL. Wiley-Interscience, first ed., (9) R. C. Cofer and B. F. Harding, Rapid System Prototyping with FPGAs: Accelerating the Design Process. Newnes, first ed., (10) Xilinx, “Picoblaze 8-bit embedded microcontroller user guide.” May (11) Xilinx, “Xilinx university program.” May (12) Xilinx, “Ise design flow overview.” manuals/xilinx11/ise_c fpga_design_flow_overview.htm, July (13) Altium, “Altium designer.” May (14) LANIC: 10/10/2012