Understanding Work Teams Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 9/e Stephen P. Robbins/Timothy A. Judge Chapter 9 Understanding Work Teams
After studying this chapter, you should be able to: Explain the growing popularity of teams in organizations Contrast teams with groups Identify four types of teams Specify the characteristics of effective teams Explain how organizations can create team players Describe conditions when teams are preferred over individuals
Why have teams become so popular? Individuals perform better in a team on tasks requiring multiple skills, judgment, and experience Better utilization of employee talents More flexible and responsive to changing events Effective way for management to democratize the organization and increase employee motivation
Comparing Work Groups and Work Teams
Four Types of Teams
Problem-Solving Teams Share ideas or offer suggestions on how work processes and methods can be improved Rarely given authority to implement any of their suggested actions
Self-Managed Work Teams Typically 10-15 employees Team takes on supervisory responsibilities in addition to job tasks Select and evaluate members Effectiveness is situationally dependent
Cross-Functional Teams Members from diverse areas within and between organizations Exchange information Develop new ideas and solve problems Coordinate complex projects Development may be time-consuming due to complexity and diversity
Virtual Teams Computer technology ties physically dispersed members together to achieve a common goal Differentiating factors from other teams Absence of para-verbal and non-verbal cues Limited social context Ability to overcome time and space constraints
Key Components of Effective Teams Context Composition Work Design Process
Context Presence of adequate resources Effective leadership Climate of trust Performance evaluation and reward system that reflects team contributions
Composition Abilities of members Personality Allocating roles Diversity Size of teams Member flexibility Member preferences
Work Design Freedom & Autonomy Skill variety Task identity Task significance
Process Member commitment to a common purpose Establishment of specific team goals Team efficacy Managed level of conflict Minimizing social loafing
Shaping Team Players Selection – in addition to technical skills, managers must select employees who have the interpersonal skills to be team players Training – workshops on problem-solving, communications, negotiation, conflict-management and coaching skills help build team members Rewards – rework to encourage cooperative efforts rather than competitive ones
Teams and Quality Management Teams provide the natural platform for employees to share ideas and to implement improvements
Is a Team the Answer? Questions to consider when determining if work is better done by a team: Can the work be done better by more than one person? Does the work create a common purpose or set of goals for the people in the group that is more than the aggregate of individual goals? Are the members of the group interdependent?
Implications for Managers Common characteristics of effective teams: Individuals with technical and interpersonal skills Have 10 or fewer members with diverse backgrounds Members fill roles but are flexible and prefer to be part of a group Members are committed to a common purpose
Summary Explained the growing popularity of teams in organizations Contrasted teams with groups Identified four types of teams Specified the characteristics of effective teams Explained how organizations can create team players Described conditions when teams are preferred over individuals