RMap Project RDA Fourth Plenary Amsterdam 23 September 2014 Sayeed Choudhury, Data Conservancy Sheila Morrissey, Portico
RMap is a partnership of three research- publishing leaders Data Conservancy (Johns Hopkins University) Expertise in management of large data archives from multiple disciplines PI: Sayeed Choudhury IEEE Expertise in content management and publishing systems PI: Gerry Grenier Portico Expertise in digital preservation, publisher workflow requirements, and existing relationships with 240 publishers PI: Kate Wittenberg
Funded by Alfred P. Sloan foundation A two-year project supported by a $602,000 grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Develop prototype services that build, store, update, and retrieve the connections among publications and data, and preserve those connections over the long-term
Building the article graph Graph-based view of connections among publications, data, agents, and their properties Many-to-many relationships rather than one-to-one view of current systems Tracking and preservation of these connections through the scholarly communications cycle
Work Plan and Deliverables Year One—Planning Phase: Gather requirements, create use cases, hold workshop (October 22, 2014 NYC) with stakeholders, refine use scenarios based on community feedback Year Two—Prototype Development: Create system to identify, store, update, and retrieve relationships among publications and their data
Technical Overview Use cases Data model APIs RMap
Use cases: Many 2 many Publishers RMap Preservation Services Funders Researchers Registries Academic Institutions Data Repositories
Data Model /oclcresearch-evolving-scholarly-record-2014.pdf
hyperpagerank/ Disco
[pic of model, talk about key objects, highlight different parts – statements, resources, agents, discos, events] RMap data model (draft)
RMap data model (Draft) Statement (triple) Resource (URI) Scholarly agent Agent profile System agent Event DiSCO Subject is a Created via Aggregate of Described by Created by Is a RDF DC OAI-ORE FOAF PROV-O Scholarly artifact e.g. article, dataset Is a Described by funded by, authored by etc. Object can be a
/api/n.n/stmt/explain /api/n.n/stmt/status /api/n.n/stmt/api-info /api/n.n/stmt/create /api/n.n/stmt/{stmtId}/status /api/n.n/stmt/{stmtId}/read /api/n.n/stmt/{stmtId}/update /api/n.n/stmt/{stmtId}/delete /api/n.n/stmt/list/read /api/n.n/stmt/{stmtId}/events/getEvents Services: rmap:Statement
/api/n.n/disco/explain /api/n.n/disco/status /api/n.n/disco/api-info /api/n.n/disco/create /api/n.n/disco/{uri}/status /api/n.n/disco/{uri}/read /api/n.n/disco/{uri}/update /api/n.n/disco/{uri}/delete /api/n.n/disco/{uri}/getStatus /api/n.n/disco/{uri}/versions/getVersions Services: rmap:DiSCO
/api/n.n/event/explain /api/n.n/event/status /api/n.n/event/{eventid}/read /api/n.n/event/{eventid}/stmts/getRelatedStmts /api/n.n/event/{eventid}/resources/getRelatedResources /api/n.n/event/{eventid}/discos/getRelatedDiSCOs /api/n.n/event/{eventid}/agents/getRelatedAgents Services: rmap:Event
Services: High Level Authentication Composition/normalization Inference engine Administrative services