Pathophysiology of Retinopathy of Prematurity
ROP:Risk Factors Prematurity --- Gestational age: less than 34 weeks Low Birth Weight: less than 2000 gm especially less than 1250gms Oxygen therapy : Fluctuating oxygen saturation
Contd… Other factors : Sepsis, Multiple blood transfusions, Multiple births, Hyaline membrane disease, Use of aminophylline, antibiotics, Apnoeic spells, Low pH
Pathophysiology At 16 wks-Mesenchyme growth starts as precusrsor of blood vessels Blood vessels reache Nasal ora by 36 wks and Temporal ora by 40 wks High O2 obliterate newly formed capillaries, damaging endothelium. Reduce blood flow due to vasoconstriction
Pathophysiology Most of the time- no new vessel, normal vasculogenesis-regressed ROP(90%) Neovascular proliferations- shunt cells break through ILM & grow in vitreous
Pathogenesis PhaseI: 22 Wk to 30 PM wk. Relative Hyperoxia, decreased VEGF level. - Strategy: Prevention and Early treatment Phase II : PM wk Relative hyperoxia, increased VEGF level. - Strategy: Treatment. Normal O2, normal VEGF, Normal Intra- uterine growth PhaseI, high 02, low VEGF Premature birth Stage 0, Stage1, Stage2 Stage3 Ph2, low 02, high VEGF StageV treatment
ETROP Criteria for Treatment Type I- ZoneI, Any stage,+ - ZoneI, Stage3, No + - Zone II, stage2 or 3, + Type II- Zone I, Stage1 or 2, No + - Zone II, Stage3, No + TREAT OBSERVE Early Treatment of Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Revised indications for the treatment of retinopathy of prematurity. Arch Ophthalmol 2003;121:
FVP Zone 1 any stage with +Zone II, Stage II + Zone II, Stage III +
Rop Handout
Chasing dropouts Maintain follow up schedule in Excel worksheet with reminders ROP Cards updated at every visit with mention of next date of visit Call parents in case of dropout -- At least 2 phone calls & noted the time & date. -- Registered letter Call neonatologist
Priyamvada Birla Aravind Eye Hospital (Till 2014 NOVEMBER) Total baby seen Rop baby laser: eyes-278 Avastin-30 Rop surgery done-8 StageV, referred- 10 Total StageV, Blind & inoperable= 25
Stage 3, lasered