How We Organize Ourselves by Room 44
The United States of America The United States has a presidential republic. We have three branches of government. The President is the executive branch. The judicial branch is the Supreme Court and the judges that make the laws fair. The legislative branch makes laws and controls trade.
Structure of the Government Legislative Branch The legislative branch is made up of two houses: The House of Representatives and the Senate. Together they are called Congress. Congress charges taxes, declares war, creates the military, controls trade, and makes laws. Executive The Executive Branch is the President. The President carries out the laws, signs or vetos bills, and represents the US with other countries. Judical The judicial branch makes sure that laws are fair. The Supreme Court decides cases about National laws between states. The President chooses and the Senate votes to approve Supreme Court Justices.
How is the Government Chosen? Elections A person is re-elected or a new candidate is elected. Citizens vote for President, Senators, Representatives, and other elected officials. Senators and Representatives are required to live in the state they represent. The President must be 35 years old or older and be born in the United States. Representatives must be at least 25 years old and citizen for the last seven years. Senators must be at least 30 years and citizens for at least nine years. Citizens choose wisely and vote for the people who will serve in the government. Not all citizens who can vote, do vote. Citizens vote on a type of paper called a ballot. Citizens choose their candidates based a variety of reasons.
Impact of Government on People Positive Impacts Taxes - Taxes fund things like education, schools, healthcare, and transportation. Social Security - your paycheck is reduced in order to help you when you are older Freedom of Speech Freedom of Assembly Freedom of Religion Freedom of the Press The ability to petition the government for wrongdoing. Negative Impacts Taxes - Citizens must pay taxes and that means the government takes money out of your paycheck. Social Security - in your elderly years, the government helps you out
By Denesh, Ruben, Brasil, & Josh Mexico
MEXICO MEXICO has a presidential republic.MEXICO has a legislative branch.MEXICO has a executive branch. MEXICO has a judicial branch.MEXICO has a legislative branch. MEXICO
Structure of the government The legislative branch of the mexican government consists of a bicameral congress divided into an upper chamber,or senate, and a lower chamber, or chamber of deputies. The judicial branch of the mexican government is divided into federal and state systems. Mexico's highest court is the supreme court of justice,located in mexico city.It consists of 21 magistrates and five auxiliary judges,all appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate or the permanent commitee. The executive branch,the president is head of the executive branch and the armored forces and is also the nominal head of the country.The executive branch also has departments, much like the american cabinet.
The government is chosen by elections because everyone 18 or older can vote. People also vote for the leader after every 6 years and they elect a new president. How the government is chosen
Impact of government on people
EQUADOR EQUADOR has a presidential republic.Equador has a judicial branch a executive branch and a legislaive branch
Structure of Government Judicial branch - The judicial system is comprised of administrative courts, trial courts, appellate or provinvial superior courts, a superior court, and a supreme court. Executive branch - The president of the republic presides over the executive branch and represents the state. Legislative branch - Ecuador's unicamaral conggress passes laws, levies taxes, and approves of international treaties and an annual budget proposed by the executive branch.
How Government is Chosen Elections - The people of ecuador directly elect the nation's president and congressmen. Ecuadorians between the ages of 18 and 65 years old residing in Ecuador. Voting is optional for the illiterate and for senior citizens over the age of 65 and all the active member of the military are not permitted to vote.
How is the Government Chosen Elections - The people of Ecuador directly elect the nation's president and congressmen. Ecuadorians between the ages of 18 and 65 years old residing in Ecuador. Voting is optional for the illiterate and for senior citizens over the age of 65. However, all the active members of the military are not permitted to vote.
Due to Ecuador's unstable government, the Constitution has been under numerous changes. These changes have affected the people by changing their rights, for the better. Before the Constitution came into play, everyone was not treated fairly. The constitution prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, religion, language, or social status. Impact of Government on People