From choice, a world of possibilities INDUCTION FOR RC VOLUNTEERS June 2014
IPPF EN Organizational Development – IPPF Secretariat Central Office: London Western Hemisphere Region: New York (28) Africa Region: Nairobi (37) Arab World Region: Tunis (14) South Asia Region: New Delhi (9) East & South East and Oceania Region: Kuala Lumpur (23) European Network: London, since 2000 Brussels (39)
IPPF EN Requirements of MAs Adhering to IPPF’s vision and mission Implementing the Strategic directions Complying with Rules and Regulations Complying with Standards of Membership Regular reporting Responding to surveys
Conduct of Meetings Presenter – seconder system Voting with simple majority (in favour, against, abstain) Abstentions do not count Use of voting cards
IPPF EN RC 2014 AGENDA Procedural items for formal approval Points for information and to note Points for discussion
IPPF EN FORMAL APPROVAL Agenda 2014 Minutes RC2013 Composition of the Resolutions Committee Financial Statements 2013 Budget 2014 Resolutions and recommendations
VOTING Regional President Regional Vice President Regional Treasurer Youth Representatives to the REC Regional Executive Committee Youth Representative and Alternate to Governing Council Ordinary Member to Governing Council Audit Commitee IPPF EN
TO NOTE FOR THE MINUTES the reports from REC/RO and IPPF Global
IPPF EN FOR UPDATE AND DISCUSSION Matters arising from the minutes IPPF Future Strategic Framework The discussion topic
IPPF EN Enjoy the meeting!