ACE: Access to Caseloads Everywhere NT Awards 2013 Nursing in the Community Sarah Keighley, Vicky Barkworth, Lisa Lonsdale
Blackpool - what you may know…..
What you MAY NOT know about Blackpool…..
Background Early Implementer Site Problems with data capture Innovation Delivery of service offer The project objective is to record and capture patient clinical information At the point of care and electronically feed information into back-office systems
Benefits to the service Samsung Galaxy 7+Tablets to 10 staff members as part of a pilot programme. Light, compact and portable. Quick and easy access to caseload Access to Trust network facilities Internet access Record keeping at the point of care Data collection Improved delivery of patient care Increased productivity
Benefits to Families Increased contact time Availability of information Improved patient experience Safety of patient records Health promotion Visual tool Smart working Unique way of working with families Reduce health inequalities Early intervention
Benefits for the future Linked to GP systems Increased productivity Paperless Improved long term outcomes for families Financial benefits Continually improving patient care Improved communication
ACE InnovationQuality Productivity Communication Prevention Access to Caseloads Everywhere
References Allen, G. (2011) Early Intervention: the next steps. London: HM Government. Department of Health, 2012, Health Profile Blackpool, London, English Public Health Observatories. Field, F. (2010) The foundation years: preventing poor children becoming poor adults. London: HM government. Great Britain. Department of Health and Department for Children, Schools and Families (2009), Healthy child Programme: Pregnancy and the first five years of life. London: DH Publications. NMC, 2009, Record Keeping Guidance for Nurses and Midwives, London, Nursing and Midwifery Council. The Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Enquiry (2013) Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Enquiry: Executive Summary. London: The Stationary Office. Tickell, C. (2011) The early years: foundations for life, health and learning. London: HM Government.