Literary Terms Project By: Riley Herington Period 3
PRO SE Definition : Definition : original written or spoken language (both fiction and nonfiction) without rhythmic structure, such as a poem.Examples: 1. Harry Potter 2. Dr. Seuss 3. Little House on the Prairie (Google Images)
1.Definition 1.Definition : the repeating of a word, sound, phrase, clause, sentence, or grammatical pattern 2.Examples 2.Examples : 1. “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall” 2. “We listened to the gun fire beyond the walls. We listened to the walls being hit by shrapnel, ricochets, and blind fire, at least it's what I thought it could of been. We listened to the creaking the windows made when they opened and shut due to the wind from the outside. We listened to the cries of our men, and the prayers they made to their gods. We listened, but said nothing.” 3. I heard clearly, creaky footsteps getting LOUDER AND LOUDER AND LOUDER... (What is an example of repetition?) ^ (Google Images) REPETITION
Rhetori c Definition: The study of persuasive or effective speaking and writing. (Google Images) Examples Examples: 1. A teachers lecture 2. A President’s speech 3. News Editorials 4. A Sales Pitch
SUBORD INATE CLAUSE (Pronoun Exercises) Definition : Definition : begins with a relative noun and will contain both a subject and a verb, not forming a complete sentence.Examples: “After Amy sneezed all over the tuna salad.” “Who ate handfuls of cheerios with his bare hands.” “Once Adam smashed the spider.” (The Subordinate Clause)
Works Cited "Google Images." Google. Web. 30 Sept "Pronoun Exercises." Web.. "The Subordinate Clause." Grammar Bytes! Grammar Instruction with Attitude. Web. 29 Sept "What Is an Example of Repetition." The Q&A Wiki. Web. 28 Sept