Cancer survival in the UK and Republic of Ireland B Rachet 1, M Quinn 2, D Brewster 3, A Gavin 4, J Steward 5, H Comber 6, L Gonsalves 7, V Mak 8, MP Coleman 1 1 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 2 Office for National Statistics 3 Scottish Cancer Registry 4 Northern Ireland Cancer Registry 5 Welsh Cancer Intelligence Unit 6 Republic of Ireland Cancer Registry 7 West Midlands Cancer Intelligence Unit 8 Thames Cancer Registry CR UK funding
OBJECTIVE Estimate 1- and 5-year survival up to most common cancers England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland Cohort/complete and period approaches
MATERIAL All registered adult cancers Diagnostic period England, Scotland, Wales Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland Follow-up: 31 December 2001
190,998 1,531,819 40,365 69, ,170
RELATIVE SURVIVAL Maximum likelihood approach Sex, period of diagnosis ( , ), country National life tables - centred on 1991 for deaths - centred on 1996 for deaths Regional life tables for GOR analysis Unstandardised vs. age-standardised analyses Period analysis for short-term prediction
Breast cancer, women, UK and Republic of Ireland, Zero survival (%) Multiples (%) Included N. Ireland ,866 R. of Ireland ,590 Wales ,475 Scotland ,057 England , ,287
BREAST Women diagnosed
Breast, women diagnosed Breast, women diagnosed
Colon cancer, men, UK and Republic of Ireland, Zero survival (%) Multiples (%) Included N. Ireland ,964 R. of Ireland ,336 Wales ,675 Scotland ,321 England ,409 82,705
COLON Men diagnosed
Colon, men diagnosed Colon, men diagnosed
SUMMARY Preliminary results Discussion between cancer registries about potential differences in: registering and coding cancer records (non- malignant cases, zero survival, multiples, …) health care