Check and Publish
Publishing Options
‘All NHS Jobs Visitors’ - the advert will appear in a job search by anyone. ‘Internal Only’ – the advert will only appear to job-seekers that enter the specific advert reference number into the search or that have followed a link from an intranet, vacancy bulletin or similar internal communication. ‘Group Internal’ – this is similar to the ‘Internal Only’ option, but allowing for a number of organisations to advertise to internal staff within a group of organisations. ‘Trust restricted’ – the advert will only appear to individuals that have been set up with Restricted accounts by the organisation advertising. ‘Group restricted’ – the advert will only appear to individuals that have been set up with Restricted accounts by one of the organisations in the restricted group or cluster in which the organisation advertising is a member. ‘National restricted’ – the advert will only appear to individuals that have been set up with Restricted accounts by any organisation using NHS Jobs.
Publishing Adverts Exercise Log-in to the employer side of NHS Jobs using the log-in details given by your trainer. Find the vacancies created earlier (or work with vacancies specified by your trainer) Select the option to edit the vacancy Check the details are completed and select a publishing option Select to ‘Save & proceed’