Overview of Today’s Class 1. Review previous classes 2. Discuss today’s concept: a cluster of skills 3. Activity – Job Clusters card game 4. Activity – Resume skills 5. Review what we learned today and hand out CD-ROMs
Review: What’s your big idea? Businesses Businesses Profit Profit Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Advertising Advertising
Review: Resources What are resources What are resources The three kinds of resources The three kinds of resources
Review: job skills How do businesses decide which people to hire? How do businesses decide which people to hire? What is the skill used in almost all jobs? What is the skill used in almost all jobs? What are the four valuable skills we focused on? What are the four valuable skills we focused on?
Today’s concept: A Cluster of Skills What do we call a business that hires people or employs people? What do we call a business that hires people or employs people? And what do we call the workers who are employed? And what do we call the workers who are employed? Today’s class continues our theme of talking about what kinds of skills employers need from employees. Today’s class continues our theme of talking about what kinds of skills employers need from employees.
High-Demand Jobs If you want to get a good job when you’re older, do you think you should study how to fix these? If you want to get a good job when you’re older, do you think you should study how to fix these?
What about these?
High-Demand Jobs Some jobs go away over time Some jobs go away over time Other jobs are in high- demand, and many of those involve the STEM skills Other jobs are in high- demand, and many of those involve the STEM skills
When it’s time to look for a job Where do you start? Where do you start? When you find an opening, what do you do? When you find an opening, what do you do?
Submit your resume A resume is a written summary of a person’s education and work experience A resume is a written summary of a person’s education and work experience
If they like your resume Then you may be invited for a job interview Then you may be invited for a job interview In the interview, it’s important to: In the interview, it’s important to: Be polite, respectful, on time Be polite, respectful, on time Dress professionally Dress professionally Discuss your skills and how they show you are qualified to do the job Discuss your skills and how they show you are qualified to do the job
Activity: Job Clusters Card Game
Activity: Resume Skills
Summary Employers Employers Employees Employees High-demand jobs High-demand jobs Resumes Resumes[CD-ROM]