GridPP CM, ICL 16 September 2002 Roger Jones
RWL Jones, Lancaster University EDG Integration EDG decision to put short-term focus of effort on making the ATLAS DC1 production work on 1.2 and after Good input from the EDG side. Effort from ATLAS, especially UK, Italy and CERN (Notably Frederic Brochu, but also others: Stan Thompson, RJ, and Alvin Tam joining now) The submission seems to work `after a fashion’ using multiple UIs and one production site More problems using multiple production sites, esp. data replication Inability to access Castor using Grid tools was a major problem, fixed Large files sizes also a problem Interfaces to catalogues need work Encouraging effort, expect full production quality service for demonstrations in November Note: analysis requires more work – the code is not already `out there’ Integration with other ATLAS Grid efforts needed Evaluation session on Thursday at RHUL Software Week
RWL Jones, Lancaster University Exercises Common ATLAS Environment pre-installed on sites Exercise 1: simulation jobs 50 jobs, 5000 events each, 5 submitters One-by-one submission because RB problems Running restricted to CERN 1 job 25h real time, 1Gb output Output stored on the CERN SE Exercise 2 with patched RB and massive submission 250 shorter jobs (several hours, 100Mb output) CERN, CNAF, CCIN2P3, Karlsrurhe, NIKEF, RAL One single user Output back to CERN – SE space is an issue Also have `fast simulation in a box’ running on the EDG testbed, good exercise for analysis/non-installed tasks
RWL Jones, Lancaster University Issues There is no defined `system software’ The system managers cannot dictate the shells to use, compilers etc Multiple users will lead to multiple copies of the same tools unless a system advertising what is installed and where is available (PACMAN does this for instance) A user service requires binaries to be `installed’ on the remote sites – trust has to work both ways
RWL Jones, Lancaster University Software Away from CERN Several cases: Software copy for developers at remote sites Software (binary) installation for Grid Productions Software (binary) download for Grid jobs Software (source) download for developers on the Grid Initially rely on by-hand packaging and installation True Grid use requires automation to be scalable Task decomposes three requirements Relocatable code and environment Packaging of the above Deployment tool (something more than human+ftp!)
RWL Jones, Lancaster University World Relocatable Code Six months ago, ATLAS code was far from deployable Must be able to work with several cases: afs for installation No afs available afs present but not to be used for the installation because of speed (commonplace!) Significant improvement in this area, with help from John Couchman, John Kennedy, Mike Gardner and others Big effort in reduction of package dependencies – work with US colleagues However, it takes a long time for this knowledge to become the default – central procedures being improved (Steve O’Neale) For the non-afs installation the cvsupd mechanism seems to work generally, but patches are need for e.g. Motif problems Appropriate for developers at institutes, but not a good Grid solution in the long-term
RWL Jones, Lancaster University An Aside: Installation Method Evaluation Previous work from Lancaster, now big effort from John Kennedy Cvsupd Problems with pserver/kserver; makefiles needed editing Download took one night Problems with CMT paths on the CERN side? Problems fixing afs paths into local paths – previously developed script does not catch all NorduGrid rpms Work `after a fashion’. Does not mirror CERN, much fixing by hand Much editing of makefiles to do anything real
RWL Jones, Lancaster University An Aside: Installation Method Evaluation (II) Rsynch method Works reasonably at Lancaster Hard to be selective – easy to have huge downloads taking more than a day in the first instance Only hurts the first time – better for updates Official DC1 rpms Circularity in dependencies cause problems with zsh Requires root privilege for installation
RWL Jones, Lancaster University Installation Tools To use the Grid, deployable software must be deployed on the Grid fabrics, and the deployable run- time environment established Installable code and run-time environment/configuration Both ATLAS and LHCb use CMT for the software management and environment configuration CMT knows the package interdependencies and external dependencies this is the obvious tool to prepare the deployable code and to `expose’ the dependencies to the deployment tool (MG testing) Grid aware tool to deploy the above PACMAN is a candidate which seems fairly easy to interface with CMT, see following talk
RWL Jones, Lancaster University CMT and deployable code Christian Arnault and Charles Loomis have a beta-release of CMT that will produce package rpms, which is a large step along the way Still need to clean-up site dependencies Need to make the package dependencies explicit Rpm requires root to install in the system database (but not for a private installation) Developer and binary installations being prepared, probably also needs binary+headers+source for a single package Converter making PACMAN cache files from auto- generated rpms seems to work
RWL Jones, Lancaster University The way forward? An ATLAS Group exists for deployment tools (RWLJ convening) LCG have `decided’ to use SCRAM. Grounds for the decision seemed narrow, with little thought to implications outside of LCG If this is to be followed generally, should reconsider strategy What about using SlashGrid to create a virtual file system?