The pay gap
The pay gap is the different between the avarage salary of women and the averege salery of men. The pay gap between women and men, considering part time and full time workwers, is 21% The reason for this difference of salary is disputed This come from an old.age tradition :
1960 newspeapers published separated job listings for men and women and so jobs were categorized according to sex, with thi higher level jobs listed almost exclusively under “Help Wanted male.” 1965 the legislated minimum wage was lower for women than for men 1970 employers were prohibited from advertising for a man or a woman in job opening 2005 Census Statics shows great income inequity between sexes among all races :a white male made 48%more than a withe female.
Times have changed....somewhat Men and women donig the same work will get equal pay Women’s education levels match men’s, women are much more present today in male-dominated occupations, in jobs with higher levels of responsability and in the ionizioned public sector.
Why do women still earn less than men? First of all noccupational segregation refers to the way that some jobs ( such as truck drivers) are dominated by men, and other jobs( such as child care) are dominated by women. Because jobs dominated by women are lower-paying than men,occupational choise is an important cause of the gender gap.
Furthermore women with children are less likely to be hired and if hired would be paid a lower salary then male applicants. Among the big differnces between women’s and men’s work choises, are that “women as a rule don’t work as many hours because their obligations tend to be more divided : in fact they are obliged to do their home obligations. Someone sometimes think that women are working for “pin money” to suplement the main wage of rhe male, who works for “bred winner”
Compared to men women generally favour jobs that involve little danger, no travel and good social skills, and such jobs are generally payed less. Men are more likely to meke life decisions that will lead to a higher annual salary, are more to travel for work, take on more dangerouse jobs
Some feminists argue that the most dangerous jobs in the U.S are not necessarily “male”, but most often very low- paid jobs,generally performed by immigrants Many consewrvatives would argue that difference in pay reflects a tendency of women to choose loe.wage jobs bacuse women prefer less dangerous or more flexible work Many liberals would argue that discrimination by employers and sexis social expectations tend to give to women lower-paying occupation and to men higher-payed occupations.
But if you think that men always tend to earn more than women, you are wrong: Some potions where women tend to earn more than men includes sales ingeneers, automaotive technicians, financial analysts,... To get value for jobs we need pay equity, that means that jobs should be paid based on their value, whether he is woman or man. Field Women’sMen’sWomen’s Pay as % of Men’s Sales engineers $89,908$62,660143% Statisticians $49,140$36,296135% Legislators $43,316$32,656133% Automotive technicians and mechanics $40,664$31,460129% Library assistants, clerical $23,608$18,512128% Baggage porters, bellhops, and concierges $26,468$21,684122% Financial analysts $69,004$58,604118% Aerospace engineers $78,416$70,356111% Human resources assistants, except payroll and timekeeping $30,420$28,028109% Advertising and promotions managers $42,068$40,144105%
Field Women’sMen’sWomen’s Pay as % of Men’s Sales engineers $89,908$62,660143% Statisticians $49,140$36,296135% Legislators $43,316$32,656133% Automotive technicians and mechanics $40,664$31,460129% Library assistants, clerical $23,608$18,512128% Baggage porters, bellhops, and concierges $26,468$21,684122% Financial analysts $69,004$58,604118% Aerospace engineers $78,416$70,356111% Human resources assistants, except payroll and timekeeping $30,420$28,028109% Advertising and promotions managers $42,068$40,144105%